I can't believe she did that! and An HP Update.

Jun 03, 2007 14:22

So my sister was telling me about how one her friends only got the last Harry Potter book a few weeks ago. She only got into HP a few months ago. My sister assumed that since she got it weeks ago that she was finished (granted, I took one day and both of my siblings finished in less than 3 days). And she goes, "wasn't it sad when Dumbledore dies?" And the friend goes, "WHAT?!" And so my sister spoiled her friend for the ending to sixth book. I may or may not have done a slow clap (BSG Style) when I heard the story.

So, I am sure all the HP fans know about that lady who continually works to ban HP from bookshelves in school libraries, here in the US. Well, she has failed, yet again (from Mugglenet). But the witch won't give up already.

And I seriously just heard about this, but the US release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (the 5th movie for those of you not in the know) has been moved from July 13th to July 11th. Yes, it has been pushed up two days! If everyone who is not a HP fan could please excuse us, those of us who are need to do a little squeeing and possibly a dorky little dance!

Edit: Also, at Mugglenet, you can choose your own layout/header/skin, and I have just changed mine to the awesome Sirius Black skin. I feel like reading HP fanfiction, like 'Marauders at Hogwarts'-era stuff (I can't wait for that scene in Phoenix), only not because HP fandom still kind of scares me...

yay!, booksmovies: harry potter

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