OMG! The Flan II is on!!!!

Dec 02, 2006 21:00

It's almost too good to be true, and I couldn't quite bring myself to believe that this could possibly happen...

*pinches myself HARD*

Leish and I went out to lunch and to buy groceries whilst everything was happeneing yesterday, betweeen 1 and 4pm. So when we came back & checked, just_unravel broke the fantastic news. (BTW, we thought that she was ( Read more... )

flan2, meeting adam, real life, hyperventialting

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Comments 7

romanceguru December 2 2006, 23:57:19 UTC
Have a great time! Make sure to give Adam a good sniff, so you can tell us what he smells like.

I don’t really want to know, I just think it would be funny. Just think, he’d never forget it. : D


jayneswoman December 3 2006, 00:50:31 UTC
*puts the idea in the melting pot*

What WILL I do...pinch his bum, give him a good sniff, or just bask in the nearness of him when he he puts his arm around me, and I squeesze him back.... *thud*

*comes to a few minutes later* Now, where was I?!! Ah, yes, thinking about gorgeous Adam Baldwin. *big grin*


ladytalon1 December 3 2006, 00:08:28 UTC
Have fun!!!! That's great news that you won't be disappointed after all, I'm happy for you as well as jealous that you're going and I'm not, lol. If jayneswoman is there with you, please remind her about the molestation plan - she'll know what you're talking about. Just remind her that a little ass grab never hurt anyone ;)

...but why do you have to BUY autographs? *wonders*


jayneswoman December 3 2006, 00:46:42 UTC
Hey! I think you're a little confused?!! I AM Jayneswoman!!

I remember the molestation plan. I can't promise that I'll do it, but I will try & put my arm round him and give a little squeeze.... *hypweventilates*

We all get one free autograph from each guest, but I have some more piccies & a magazine for them to sign, so I bought 3 more Adam autographs, and one more each for Nathan, Jewel and Ron.

Ooohhh! Adam is so pretty.... *winks*


ladytalon1 December 3 2006, 00:53:32 UTC's been a long day. Sorry! *blushes and runs to get coffee to wake up*

Thanks for explaining the autograph policy, I didn't know that. I guess it makes sense, so they don't get writer's cramp for free!


guinny_hamilton December 3 2006, 10:55:35 UTC
Yes! Sniff him!!! I want to know what he smells like!

I'm so happy for you that Flan is on!!

Just think... one week from now you'll have met Adam!



jayneswoman December 4 2006, 05:51:52 UTC
Ahhhhhhh! OMG! I saw him already..... (see my latest post above).

Will tell you ALL about it soon *wink* !!!


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