OMG! The Flan II is on!!!!

Dec 02, 2006 21:00

It's almost too good to be true, and I couldn't quite bring myself to believe that this could possibly happen...

*pinches myself HARD*

Leish and I went out to lunch and to buy groceries whilst everything was happeneing yesterday, betweeen 1 and 4pm. So when we came back & checked, just_unravel broke the fantastic news. (BTW, we thought that she was gobsmacked that the Flan was cancelled.... but it turned out that she was gobsmacked that the Flan was on.) So we broke open a bottle of White wine, and celebrated in style, out of some very stlish tumblers. And it was great to break the news as Katy came through the door that evening.

So the Flan is on again.... and I have TWO, yes two photo ops with Adam.... *hyperventilates*

And I so need to buy more autographs for the piccies I've brought with me.

I got an email yesterday from Booster Events, of some Browncaots living in Hollywood, Alison and Brock. They invited us out and we hung out with them until about 2.30am, by which time we were both so knackered... Leish had only had four hours sleep. We left Katy to sleep after her flight from London. But we had fun.... thanks guys!!!

flan2, meeting adam, real life, hyperventialting

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