First Impressions: Part 4

Oct 16, 2006 20:01

Title: Sneaking Around
Series Title: First Impressions
Author: jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1107
Summary: What Happened When Jayne and Kaylee First Met
Warning: Full of Jaylee goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Author’s Note: Thanks to
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first impressions, kaylee/jayne, kaylee, jaylee, jayne

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Comments 9

angel932 October 16 2006, 22:42:13 UTC
Late night sweets and washin' up - always an excellent prelude to sex! *grins*


jayneswoman October 17 2006, 11:43:27 UTC
Thanks! *grins* Glad you liked it...

I know it's been used before, but I just think that washing up is a chance to get up close and personal, and all those hands playing around in the hot water. Well, it's the next best thing to a shared bath!


angel932 October 17 2006, 21:32:21 UTC
And you know how partial I am to a hot bath!

*whistles innocently*

*tee hee*


danniisupernova October 16 2006, 23:55:34 UTC
I like this story.:)


jayneswoman October 17 2006, 11:45:13 UTC
Squeeee! Thanks, danniisupernova!


bookishtype October 17 2006, 11:14:15 UTC
phwoar! it's gettin' hot in here....

nice chapter.... you have got me hook line and sinker!!!

the banner looks good!


jayneswoman October 17 2006, 11:47:08 UTC
Happy you like it...

I'm glad I got you to make a banner for this fic. It's inspired me to post again, and write some more.

Your banner looks good, doesn't it?!!


my_lovers_eyes October 20 2006, 05:00:00 UTC
Jayne grinned and rubbed his cheek. What had he done in a past life ta deserve a girl like Kaylee? ‘Cause he knew he hadn’t been good enough or smart enough in this one.

Best. Line. Ever.


jayneswoman October 20 2006, 08:40:09 UTC
Thanks hon! *grins*


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