First Impressions: Part 4

Oct 16, 2006 20:01

Title: Sneaking Around
Series Title: First Impressions
Author: jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1107
Summary: What Happened When Jayne and Kaylee First Met
Warning: Full of Jaylee goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Author’s Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43   for betaing.

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.

Find previous chapters here.

Thanks to bookishtype  for making this shiny banner.


Sneaking Around

Jayne had woken up and was heading to the galley for a late night snack when he heard a clank and a groan from the engine room.

It was past midnight and Kaylee was still working on her girl.

“Gorrammit girl, ya still workin’ on that engine?”

“It’s nearly fixed, then I’ll head on up ta bed.”

He looked at her lying on the grating underneath Serenity. “Ya even been near that bunk a yo’rn since I saw ya last?”

Kaylee shook her head.

“Ya can’t work ya self into the ground.” Jayne bent down and held his hand out to pull her up. “Come on, bao-bei, get a snack with me, an’ I’ll walk ya back ta ya bunk.”

Kaylee smiled wearily and walked with Jayne to the galley.

“What d’ya fancy?”

“Somethin’ hot an’ fillin’.”

He grinned as his mind went straight to the dirtiest thing she could have meant.

Kaylee blushed, “I did not mean that, Jayne Cobb. I swear your head is gettin’ bigger every day.”

“How ‘bout some French toast?”

“What I wouldn’t give ta have some syrup with that, real or not,” Kaylee sighed.

“As a matter of fact…”

“Jayne, have ya got some syrup hidden away?”

“Not syrup. Will honey do?”

“Why Jayne, I always knew ya had a sweet tooth.”

“Here, go to ma bunk and look in the box under ma bed. Ya’ll find a jar o’ honey under there. An’ grab a coupla pieces o’ chocolate. One fer you an’ one fer me.”

Kaylee jumped up, whispered, “Xie-xie, Jayne,” in his ear and pressed a warm kiss on his cheek.

Jayne grinned and rubbed his cheek. What had he done in a past life ta deserve a girl like Kaylee? ‘Cause he knew he hadn’t been good enough or smart enough in this one.


Kaylee returned with the honey and chocolate just as Jayne was turning down the heat to stop their snack from burning.

“Ya just in time. Get us a glass o’ milk each and I’ll serve up.”

“Honey , chocolate and French Toast cooked fer me in the middle o’ the night! I musta died an’ gone to tian tang!”

“Nah, ya just gettin’ a Jayne Cobb special,” he bent down to pile a couple of slices of French toast onto her plate, “guaranteed ta melt the heart of any woman.”

“Ya certainly know the way ta my heart,” she leaned up and pressed a warm kiss on his mouth.

“Plenty o’ time fer that later,” he grinned, “Now, eat!”

“Yes sir,” she mock saluted him.

They tucked in, and Kaylee giggled at the way he shovelled it into his mouth.

“Ya sure like ya food, the way ya gobble it down. Ya ever think of eatin’ it slower, so as ya can enjoy every bite?”

Jayne shook his head, and began to chew slower. “Mmmm, sure tastes good,” he said, noticing the taste for the first time.

“Pretty funny way ta eat, so fast that ya don’t have time ta taste it.”

“Sometimes it’s the only way, out here in the black.”

As he finished, she handed him some chocolate, and he opened his mouth so she could pop it in. He grinned as she drew a breath when he sucked the melted chocolate off her fingers.

He grabbed another piece and hand fed her. Kaylee slowly licked the chocolate from his fingers.

“Wo de ma, girl, ya sure know how ta please a man with that mouth o yo’rn!”

“Wouldn’t ya like ta know? I got a lot more tricks up ma sleeve.”

“I’m aimin’ on findin’ out each an’ every one o’ them before too long.”

“An’ I’m aimin’ on lettin’ ya.”

Kaylee picked up the plates and headed to the sink. When Jayne tried to protest, Kaylee shook her head saying, “You cooked, so it’s ma turn ta wash up.”


Jayne stood behind, pressing right up against her. Reaching over he turned the taps on, squeezing a drop of dish soap into the bowl, and swirling it round. She slapped his hand when he tried to start washing up with his arms still full of her.

Picking up a plate she began to wash it in the warm soapy water. Plunging his hands in as well, they washed each dish, glass and fork together, all the time touching and caressing each others hands and arms. Jayne reached over for the skillet and spatula, and they washed those too.

Kaylee felt his breath warm against her neck, and when they finished cleaning the last item, she turned in his arms, bringing her wet soapy hands round his neck and through his hair. As they kissed, he shivered with the cold of the now lukewarm water cascading down his neck and into his t-shirt. Jayne’s wet clothing stuck to his body like a second skin and Kaylee’s clothes got wetter as she pressed up against him. He reached into the bowl and splashed some water over her. She squealed as the cooling water soaked into her top.

“Shhh, Kaylee girl,” he whispered, covering her mouth with his to try and drown out the sounds she was making. Not to say that he didn’t like those sounds, as matter of fact, he wanted to hear a whole lot more of them. See if she made those sounds when she was gettin’ sexed.

They pulled apart, grinning at each others soaking wet bodies. Both of them were shivering; because every night the thermostat went down to simulate night conditions on any of the planets in the ‘verse.

Jayne reached out and tipped the water from the bowl, leaving it upside down to dry.

“I’ll tidy these up before I start ma shift tonight. Let’s get ya back ta ya bunk, so ya can get outta them wet clothes.”

Kaylee nodded, and followed Jayne as he took her hand and led her down the walkway.

Jayne pressed a kiss to her lips, whispering, “Night, bao-bei,” before opening her bunk and standing aside to let her go down inside.

“Come with me,” she whispered.

“Ain’t no goin’ back from this. Ya let me in ya bunk, ya askin’ me ta stay the night.”

Kaylee gulped, “It’s what I want,” she whispered.

“Ya sure?” he asked.

She shook her head, “But I am sure I don’ wanna say good night just yet.”

Jayne sighed, “Ah, Kaylee girl, ya sure do ask a lot o’ ya man.”

“So ya my man?”

“If’n ya want me.”

“Oh. I want ya!” She pulled him close into the kind of kiss that would melt the strongest heart.


To be continued…

Next Chapter: Getting Serious

first impressions, kaylee/jayne, kaylee, jaylee, jayne

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