To All Adam Baldwin Fans...

Oct 10, 2006 19:57

I thought you'd get a kick out of this..... Yellow Rose Bride  (This book will be published in December,
but it is out already as Bridal Lace and Buckskin! So you could find a second-hand copy before December.)

It's a Christian Romance novel.... but just look at the name of the hero.... Adam Baldwin!!!

This character is a rancher from Texas, and ( Read more... )

weird coincidence, lol, adam baldwin, novel

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Comments 9

guinny_hamilton October 10 2006, 20:22:10 UTC

I can't stop giggling... and now I want to read that book! If only for the swooning at random intervals, 'cause you know his is the only face you'll see in your mind's eye *swoons at random intervals*

How the ruttin' hell did you find that one?

*wanders off snickering and swooning*


jayneswoman October 10 2006, 20:30:32 UTC
I went to this book outlet in Peabody, Massachusetts when I studied at Keene State College, New Hampshire. So I get regular email updates from them, and I decided to check out the latest romantic fiction...

The rest was pure chance! It was just sitting there, calling to me. Texas.... Adam Baldwin.... Romance.... Handsome man.... *thunk*

Now where was I?!! As yes, I LOVE your icon. LOL!


danniisupernova October 10 2006, 23:21:53 UTC
Large with the amused!


romanceguru October 10 2006, 23:27:09 UTC
That's too funny! I would be curios to know if the author had AB in mind also.


angel932 October 11 2006, 02:12:45 UTC
I've always been a fan of Western movies so the description alone is enough to send me into fantasyland!


two random things danniisupernova October 12 2006, 01:35:53 UTC
Are you into X-Men?

I have this weird video in my head of River fighting to Sexyback by Justing Timberlake. O_________O


Re: two random things jayneswoman October 12 2006, 08:48:23 UTC
I LOVE X-men - mainly bacause of Hugh Jackman, who is just lovely!

That video idea sounds kick-ass! (but I haven't really got into that song yet..)

Ooohh, yes, I'm going to see Patrick Stewart (anothe X-men actor) in Stratford. He's playing Prospero in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare, performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company today. What a treat! This won't mean much, but I studied that play for my A-levels (university entrance exams). So I know it really well, and have seen like 10+ performances in my life. I'm really looking forward to it! Squeeeeee!


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