Both Sides: Part 12 (a Jaylee fanfic)

May 07, 2006 15:12

Title: Falling

Series Title: Both Sides (12 of 18)
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee
Word Count: 1256
Summary: Told from both sides of Kaylee and Jayne's relationship
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Warning: Jaylee sexiness - Jayne in the shower -  ya know I’m teasin’ ya!

Authors note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 or betaing.
Another double chapter post - Enjoy!
Read the previous chapters posted at my Live Journal.


Thanks for daring me to write my own Jaylee story, Squish_67 and Bookaddict43!

It’s told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point of view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view.

Enjoy! (I hope….) Be gentle! It’s my first fanfic story.

As Jayne stepped under the warm water all the days troubles seemed to melt away.

He reached out for some soap and found one of Kaylee’s fancy bottles of girlie soap. He opened it up and sniffed it. It smelled like strawberries. Like Kaylee, his thoughts drifted back to Inara’s last words…

“We’ll have to think of some way to cover Kaylee’s hand so she can wash too!”

His Kaylee, in the shower, Jayne grinned to himself and poured some of Kaylee’s strawberry smelling soap into his hands. He lathered it up and began to wash his arms, chest, face, his hand moving lower…..


River was walking and singing to herself. She walked down the corridor past the shower room., she gasped and stopped.

“Jayne” she whispered and a smile spread across her face. “Kaylee dreams.”


Jayne lathered up his hair and then rinsed it off in the warm spray, staying under the warm water just to enjoy the rivulets of water cascading over his head, shoulders and down his back and chest. He sighed and mentally prepared to turn off the water.

As soon as the water stopped, he reached out for his towel and wrapped it round his lean waist, his muscles shivering in the cold air that came as such a shock after the warm water.

He rubbed his hair to start to dry it off, then dried himself. He put on clean boxers and cargo pants, then he rubbed his chin and decided to shave. Kaylee might appreciate a clean shaven jaw. It would make him feel more presentable, anyway.

He filled up the sink with warm water and reached out for his razor and shaving cream. He splashed some warm water on his face, lathered up the cream and smoothed it over the stubble on his face.

He put the razor in the water, then angled his face so he could see what he was doing in the mirror.

He carefully drew the razor over his stubbled jaw, dipping the razor in the water to clean in between each firm stroke.

When he had finished, he let the water out of the sink. Then he rinsed his razor and splashed some clean water on his face. Lastly he put some after shave cream across his face. His face always stung after a clean shave. That’s why he let the stubble grow. That and the intimidating look it gave him.

He quickly brushed his teeth, pulled on a clean t-shirt, picked up his things and headed back to his bunk.


Jayne quietly slipped down into Kaylee’s bunk. “Thanks.” he whispered to Inara.

She took a few things out of her basket and put them on the table. Smiling, she squeezed Jayne’s arm and whispered, “Take care of her.”

Jayne picked up Vera and hid her somewhere out of the way. Within easy reach, but out of Kaylee’s sight.

Jayne looked over at Kaylee sound asleep on her bunk. Inara must of brought her a change of clothes ‘cause she was dressed in a vest and some sexy little shorts. He sighed as he saw some creamy skin peeking out where her shorts ended. Smiling he pulled up the blanket to cover her tempting skin and went over to see what Inara had left: burn cream, a few weaves, some clean bandages, smoothers, some moisturiser and a hairbrush. Jayne smiled. He had some ideas about what he and Kaylee could do with that moisturiser later…... and he’d have to see if Kaylee would let him brush her hair….. He always had a thing about brushing women’s long hair…..

Kaylee murmured and shifted in her sleep. Ai ya, but she was beautiful.

He rubbed his newly shaven chin and sat on the edge of her bunk.

Kaylee opened her eyes. “Hey there!” she smiled.

“Hey there, beautiful!”

Kaylee blushed. “Where have ya been?” she asked.

“Captain needed me,” he explained, “then I took a shower.”

“Inara kept me company,” she told him.

“So I see,” he smiled, rubbing the smooth skin of her bare arm.

“Did ya ask her to?”

“No. Captain did.”

“I love my captain!” Kaylee teased.

“Well if ya gonna be like that.”  He got up as if to leave the bunk.

“Come back here!” she reached out to pull him close. “Ya feelin’ jealous?”

“You’re ma woman. Can’t have ya goin’ ‘round sayin’ ya love other men.” he huffed, “Ya supposed ta love me!”  He kissed the top of her head.

Kaylee hesitated. “Do ya love me?” she asked.

“Loved ya since that day I met ya. Prettiest, shiniest thing on this gorram boat.”

Kaylee reached up and stroked his jaw. “Ya shaved!” she cried.

“D’ya like it?”

“It’s different…… It’ll take some getting’ used to….”

“By the time it’s ‘sometime’ it’ll have grown back.” he laughed

She continued stroking his face. “It’s so smooth!” she cooed.

“All the better ta kiss ya with. Won’t be all scratchy.”

“I like how your stubble scratches……..”

“Ya won’t know how ya like it ‘till ya try it.” he teased.

Brown eyes looking up into blue ones, they caressed each other’s faces and then leaned into a kiss.

“Mmmmmm” Kaylee sighed as she enjoyed the sensation of the smooth skin around his mouth pressing against hers and his tongue teasing her lips open.

Jayne groaned as she ran her fingers through his hair and across his newly shaved cheek.

They pulled back and, foreheads touching breathed deeply and laughed, enjoying the exhilaration of the moment.

“Bao-bei, how is ya hand? D’ya need me ta check it?”

She shook her head.

“D’ya need a smoother?”

She shook her head again. “I need you! Come and lie down here beside me. I hate sleeping on my own.......”

He grinned and stripped off his t-shirt.

She took his hand and he lay down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. Kaylee closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. “Mmmmm. Ya smell good!” she told him.

“So do you….” he answered.

She snuggled against him, her breath deepening as she fell to sleep. “I love ya, Jayne." she sighed, her breath warming his bare skin.

“I love ya too, Kaylee darlin’.” he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

He tucked her hair over her shoulder and ran his hand down her back, letting it glide over the creamy skin of her thigh, pulling her close.  He reached out and pulled the covers over them both, resting his hand in the small of her back, where her vest didn’t quite meet her shorts.  He rested his cheek against her hair, sighing contentedly as he joined her in sleep.


Inara knocked at the door to Kaylee’s bunk.

The door opened and Jayne poked his head out. “Sshhh!. She’s sleepin’.” he whispered.

“I’ve brought Kaylee a present.”

Jayne looked at what she handed him, “It’s a plastic bag?”

“You can tie it around Kaylee’s hand so it won’t get wet in the shower…..”

The penny dropped. “Thanks, Inara.”

He frowned. “She’ll still need some help to wash herself, especially her hair and getting’ in and out of her clothes”

“I can help her with that, unless you’d like to....?”

“It’s not like that between us yet! I’m hopin’ one day, when she’s feelin’ better.”

“Maybe this is the thing to bring it to the next level….”

“Inara,” Jayne sighed, “Not that I don’t want to but Kaylee’s in too much pain ta enjoy gettin’ sexed.”

“Well, you can pick your moment, maybe just after she’s had a smoother,” Inara suggested.

Jayne was lost in thought at this last suggestion.


To be continued

Read previous chapters here:   Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

Part 6   Part 7   Part 8    Part 9    Part 10
                                           Part 11

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