Both Sides: Part 6 (a Jaylee fanfic)

Jun 01, 2006 16:13

Title: River

Series Title: Both Sides (6 of 18)
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: PG
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee
Word Count: 283
Summary: Told from both sides of Kaylee and Jayne's relationship
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Warning: Jaylee goodness! But other characters can't help joining in.

Authors note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

Read the previous chapters here:   Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5


Thanks for daring me to write my own Jaylee story, Squish_67 and Bookaddict43!

Be gentle! It’s my first fanfic story.

It’s told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point of view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view.

The plot bunny came from the Philosophy_20 prompt tablet #7 both sides.

Enjoy! (I hope….)


Part 6:  River

River crept out of the kitchen and wandered down the corridor. She almost bumped into the Captain.

“Hey there, lil albatross. What’cha doing wanderin’ around in the middle of the night?”

“Observing” she answered, cryptically.

“Huh!” was all Mal could think to say. “Why don’t ya go to your bunk, or see if ya can find your brother?…”

River carried on at her slow pace as Mal went to take his watch on the bridge. She paused outside the infirmary, conscious that Simon was inside.

“Apprentice has been hard at work whilst Master is unawares,” stated River, “Or is it the other way around?”

“River, do you need a smoother?”

“All will become clear in the morning. Come, Simon, time for sleep, not for work. You can check on patient in the morning.” She tugged on his arm.

“What patient? River!”

“Simon, you musn’t stay up late when it’s school in the morning!”

“River. Okay, I’ll come to bed,” Simon sighed, letting his sister lead him to his bunk.

“No peeking until morning. You’ll spoil the surprise!”

“What surprise? River!”

River climbed up the ladder out of his bunk, locking the door behind her.

“I’ll let you out in the morning!” she called out, and started singing, “Good night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the space bugs bite! And if they do, hit them with a shoe, so they won’t bug you!”

Simon listened to River as she giggled down the corridor. He sighed, River was such an expert with locks, it would take him ‘till morning to unlock it. He might as well try and get some sleep and wait until River let him out for breakfast. It was his turn to cook


To be continued

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