Remington Legacy 3.1

Jun 06, 2007 22:27

But before the fun can begin, we have to stop and ask ourselves, are we really hurting so much for money that we have to take the chance of breaking this piano?

The answer is a resounding no! Good call, Julian!

The neat thing was, he'd just left for work about an hour before, so they promoted him and sent him home! I thought, score! He needs to celebrate by getting out of the house (and his responsibilities - hey, he deserves it!)

I dunno, lady maid. I think he's got a right to use his own bathroom.

So before he can grab the car and head out, he gets a call from one of his friends asking him if he wants to go out and hang. Hey, it's a great day for Julian!

One of his secret society (SHHH!) friends is in the group so he busts out with their "secret handshake" (which really is the chicken dance, but shhhhhh!).

Mister Popularity wants to get the party started so he starts with the DJ booth.

While out, Julian spies his sister-in-law and honestly doesn't know her well enough. So he engages her in conversation about some old lady townie that Megan's in love with what? Don't want to know.

And then one of his boyfriend's from college. Hey, well, he's a popular guy, right?

Kendal: "Um, scuse me, vomitting here."
Maid: "Gawd, am I going to have to clean that too?"

I changed skins! Can you tell??

Random townie walk-by, showing off skins!

Demonseed looks a little different but, honestly, still demony.

Crystal needed to look more her age. I didn't love this hairstyle but it was better than the up-do she was sportin'.

Kendal wakes up to new skins!

I'm sure it's just me but I think her nose is ok with this skin, which really is all that matters.

ROFL! All platinum! I had to take a picture because I know this is never going to happen again.

What what what?!

Seriously. Like father, like son.

It's a boy! This is Joshua Remington, or as I've taken to calling him "Two of Six". He might be a clone of Dahlia. I'm hoping not.

Maid skins! I think she is not pretties.

Mailwomans skins! She just might be pretties. Must investigate this further.

Gardener skins. So, so, so fug. There was just no good angle on him. Period.

Dahlia grows up, finally, thank god!

I... I don't know... I want to like her. I just don't think I do.

See? Still demony! Scowling at her father even. Baaaaaad Dahlia.

That's about it. This wasn't nearly as big an update as I expected but, hey, babies! Just 4 more to go (damn Kendal!).

Next Episode! Gen 3.2

Missed one?
Remington Generation 1 start
Remington Generation 2 start
Remington Generation 3 start

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