Yes, we're back with a legacy update and ohmigawd 111 pictures! I'm so sorry... And there's likely another update in a day or so. But we'll burn that bridge when we get there!
Hey, remember these kids? That's Joshua, Dahlia and Zachery. Josh and Dahlia are Julian's kids (and therefore in the running for heir) and Zack is Evan's (and therefore not in the running - this is funny later because he becomes my sole focus at one point but jumping ahead! EEEE!).
So freakishly happy to be out of the crowded madhouse we call the Legacy house, Josh dances and tries to break his ankle, apparently. Too bad he's going to go back whether he likes it or not!
Dahlia was giving me this bohemian vibe so I went with it.
Ohhh, but still rockin' the honker. It's cute, don't get me wrong, but I see bad things in the lineage if she's heir, chaknow?
So like...
Drama much?
Awwww. Someone's homesick.
Wow, uhhhh... could you do that somewhere else?
I guess he stayed the night? Uh, score?
Sure, go crash your sister's room. I mean, you hate her and everything, right?
And suddenly I'm like -- food burning! Wait... are you... on fire...?
It's the first damn day! Burn, you bastard, burn!
But no! He not only survives but he runs! AHHHHH you pansy! (I was really hoping he'd just roast and die and I'd get another cook. I'm bummed.)
You people do have your own rooms, right???
Joshua is all JOIN GREEK HOUSE PLS and Zack is all JOIN GREEK HOUSE PLS so I'm like AHHH FINE SHUT UP!!!
Yeaaaaaaah, somehow that's just not the way to do it though.
Pimpin' the big shiny glasses might be the trick though!
Yeah, they got in. So instead of JOIN PLS it was PARTY PLS. All damn Uni long.
I don't really have a point to this picture. I just thought it was cute ^_^
Oh and Zack's LTW is 20 simultaneous best friends. May as well start with family, right?
Joshua: "So I gotta go home and have babies. You want to help me practice on that?"
Bubble bong!
Leave Josh alone long enough and he goes FIERCE on ya. Fierce and primpin'!
Who da man?
You da man!
And da man wants to clean!
Recap: Neat 10 points.
Dahlia has a fan. He stood out there about 5-8 hours. She didn't come out until after he was gone, hee!
Game face! Zack goes around making friends. In his unique way.
Recap: Nice - 1
Ghostie dormies! Anyone know why this happens?
I have nooooo idea what the conversation was but I LOL'ing with her expression.
Still don't have the concept of "Not your room" yet? Hm?
The secret handshake is, shhhhh, the funky chicken.
Great, now I have that stupid song in my head. Dun nun nuh nuh nuh nuh nah!
Oh heeeeeeeelllllllz no. I don't care if she glows. Just no.
Apparently Josh's idea of flirting is doing the "You got something on your shirt" thing. Guess I'm glad he didn't noogie her?
Recap: Nice - 1
Zack works his magic and then some on this lil cutie-pie.
I did mention "and then some" right? (Yeah, she got a minor hair change.)
3 BOLTS PEOPLE! It's fate! Her name? Uhhhhh, cutie-pie? I meant to write it down, I just forgot. :)
Ahhh! Chicken dance scary!
Wait a second, that's not cutie-pie, that's that dastardly Claire Carlson that caused so much trouble for your father! Get your lips off her this instant, young man!
Dahlia's, like, this Romance Sim and she's utterly failing at it. So finally after a semester or two she makes a move on a guy.
Broken hearted and on the rebound, she finds some easy (and ugly) guy and gets her mank on. Unfortunately he thought they were in love after that. Ohhhhh, silly, silly boys.
Joshua decided to cheer up his sister with Mr. Teddy (he %#!@# had to have a damn toy and made me buy it again after I deleted it finally! Stupid Pleasure sims!)
I dunno. Think she likes him?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Oh... Julian. Do you just have trouble letting go of your college years?
Granpa... misses his childhood?
Crystal remembers the good old days, when her husband was hawt.
And then proceeds to laugh hysterically at her old 80's hairstyle (eh, I'm going with it anyway).
This would be number 5, if I recall.
Kendal - the one I love to hate.
Silly Hayden. Mommy's sleeping during shifts at her full time job.
Julian's favorite pasttime is getting TOC in as many careers as he can. Because otherwise he might have to stay home and actually deal with his family or something.
I think a pillow fight between an old lady and a pregnant lady is pretty fair, don't you?
Despite his mother's obvious lack of interest (she just wants him to get married for her own twisted schemes), Hayden nonetheless is a pretty good student!
I think this picture means Sophia grew into a teen (I know! If I can't keep the straight, who else is going to??)
She rolls Popularity with a want to be a full time Slacker I think. Wellllll, not like she's really in the running for heir anyway. :)
Julian FINALLY finishes the novel he started back in college (hey, taking care of a billion kids and having multiple lovers is hard work!). So what does he roll up immediately following? Write a best selling novel.
Uh, no.
I think... oh yes. Why this picture?
Clearly NOT a clone of the Kendal honker. Still... not in running for heir. Thanks for playing!
Dahlia, teenie-bopper that she is, has to go downtown and mingle! And rock some tune-age on the DJ booth. Hey, it made her happy and really, isn't that all that matters?
I just got Inteen (DON'T JUDGE ME!) and thought, hey, let's try this out?
So so so didn't get anywhere with him. Le sad.
Not that Sophie wasn't giving up on him! Me thinks she might be heading back that way soon, hubba hubba.
Oh noes! It's hammer baby time!
Once again, like father, like son. You guys are SOOOO helpful.
Hayden Clone! Baby! This would be Grace Remington, looking suspiciously like her brother Hayden.
Lemme guess. Baby?
Julian: "Congratulations, Dad!"
Kendal: O_O
"Word spreads fast. Hayden's relatives heard he was ignored and thought money could buy happiness. Here's $100 for their guilt."
Julian gets a new career and... OMGWTFBBQ!
Thank GOD that only lasted one evening.
This must be his new carpool. No one else even has a carpool to take. >.<
Hey, look who stopped by! ^_^
O_O No, they didn't get it on but boy golly did she give it a good college try!
Grace grows up into a lil girl. S/N-7, S/O-5, L/A-6, S/P-8, G/N-8. She's officially Hayden's clone.
I'm not sure why I took this picture. It might be because this is the first time in 3 generations I've ever used that high chair.
SO right about this time I got some new skins! I know, I know, I just changed them not long ago but I was starting to think the dark skins on Hayden and Grace, as well as a bunch of townies, were maybe too dark so... are you ready for this?
Criminey sakes! I guess my guess was right. (You can't really tell but Grace is totally right behind Crystal's head and BWAHAHAHAHA, too funny.)
Hayden had to celebrate with a new hairstyle. He's like a whole different kid now. Literally.
And then LOL promptly grew up. Had to get this picture just for this face. Oooh, boy, aren't you a charmer.
He always rolls up the winning Pleasure aspiration and I once again thank the gods for Uni. Much hate for the Pleasure aspiration but it's still leagues better than Romance.
Way to, uh, rock those purple PJs, bebe.
FINALLY years later, Kendal's finally cooking the last bun in her half dozen. And clearly she's already bonding with it.
LOL matching slouches. Ohhhh, so attractive, these crazy kids.
Before we leave the Legacy house for a little bit, Julian gets a new hairstyle. Unsurprisingly I just can't seem to find one that's right for him but I like it.
Meanwhile, over at the spare house... (Yeah, why am I playing them still?)
Oh, right! The CUTE!
At first this completely freaked me out! There was a police car pulling up -- why? What's wrong? What happened? What'd I doooOOOoOooOOo!?
Then Evan pulls a Paris Hilton and I'm like ohhhh, right, he's a G-Man now.
Why can't he have a nice ride like Dr. Megan here does, hm?
Ahhhh! The Nanny is going to eat you, EEEEE!
He looks... familiar...
Oh, so that's why he looked familiar. >.< Evan brings his brother Julian home one night.
No wonder I liked that hairstyle. Evan was already wearing it.
This is like always picking the same clothes for your sims because you like them. I have a hair fixation. I need help.
Pillow fighting through walls! I guess all that paranormal training has really paid off, huh, Evan?
Oh noes! Whatever should I doOOooOOoOO??
Pillow fight, of course!
Megan: **stare stare stare stare**
Evan: "Yo, Megs, wassap?" -slurps-
Wait, what's that over there?
It's a magically sprouting child!
"Yarrrr, we're taking on water, Captain! She's going down!"
It's the Dread Pirate Evan. O_O
Claire (FROM COLLEGE) calls and apparently found out Evan was married and totally called off the love affair!!!111oneoneklasdfdsf! Yep, she's broken up with yet -another- Remington boy. Ohhh, the pain of it all, how will we survive?
EEP! Not all sure how THAT happened but for like the house Sabrina was home alone, I was freaking out! Then Meggy came home and we all gave a great sigh of relief. Not Sabrina, though. She was digging the freedom. Because like a sim!hour is like 5 minutes of freedom!
And then Megan had to ruin everything by getting old! And now we know she dyes her hair. I always knew it!
But wait?! What is that over there????
It's an old man!
(Let's just ignore the fact that Evan is now older than his older brother by about a week. We'll blame this on Kendal, 'aight? K, thx.)
Megan (after being convinced the dyes can rot her brain and giving them up) doesn't care how old her man is because she wubs heem.
They're still super close. Super!
It was about this time both Knowledge Sim Parents decided their precious Sabrina had to get into private school. So while Evan's giving a tour - MEGAN TRIES TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!!!
Note the headmaster who came into the inferno to wave hello to Megan, who immediately thrust the fire extinguisher between his legs.
That's... that's about all I got, folks.
"... And tell your wife thankYOUverymuch."
Impressed indeed! I guess they figured out just what he liked after all.
It's like a bad Ax commercial. Bom chicka bow wow!
I don't know who you are or why you keep stealing my newspaper but we don't read it anyway so we don't care, take it! NYAH!
We'll end this excessively long update with a question - is it just old people who don't care if someone is playing a piano two feet away from them? I kept waiting for him to wake up and yell at her and he just didn't. Oh noes, maybe he died on the sofa and no one noticed! Maybe pink bunny noticed. I dunno.
this way for 3.5 goodness!
Past Generations...
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1.4 2.1 /
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2.7 3.0 /
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