I don't know how I should answer this question. I mean, Misha is an amazing man. He's an awesome actor, it's incredible how many personalities of Castiel he can play, and maybe I don't like Karla, but that character... is horrible, because he could play it too perfect and it was too much for me. Too much for everybody. So yeah, he is an awesome actor, as I know he's an awesome daddy, he takes a part of Random Acts (Random Acts is a non-profit organization that aims to conquer the world, one random act of kindness at a time), and... uhh, I just adore him. But if I have to wish something... I wish Misha would sing a song. I don't care what song, I really don't care, because that wouldn't be the most important. And he doesn't have to become a singer, no, but... He can sing, I know, because at a fanmeet he sang a little part of a Beatles song, and he has good voice. So yepp, I wish this :) It's a little thing, but he does enough for us and the world already now.
[26 days left] ► 5)Your favourite Misha fanfic ► 6)Your favourite Misha fanvid ► 7)Why Misha appeals to you ► 8)Something you wish Misha shouldn’t have done ► 9)What would you say if you met Misha ► 10)Your favourite scene with Misha (Includes conventions and TV/FILM) ► 11)Your favourite Misha quote from a TV/FILM ► 12)When did you find out you liked Misha ► 13)Your favourite ship (Includes Misha himself or any roles he’s done) ► 14)Your favourite Misha outfit ► 15)Something Misha has done to make you laugh ► 16)Favourite picture of Misha (Includes TV/FILM/CONVENTIONS/PHOTOSHOOTS) ► 17)Favourite Misha smile ► 18)A song Misha should sing ► 19)A picture of Misha that makes you feel sad ► 20)If you could spend a day with Misha, what would you do ► 21)If Misha were to make an advert, what would he be advertising ► 22)Another Misha GIF ► 23)Random fact about Misha ► 24)What was the first thing you saw Misha in ► 25)Favourite Misha jacket ► 26)Favourite Misha tweet ► 27)Favourite Misha feature ► 28)A letter to Misha ► 29)Your favourite Misha friendship