I want to start a new '30 day meme', because they are funny and enjoyable and I can post even if I don't have any big news to tell you XDDD So yepp, it seemed a great idea for me. First I wanted to do a KAT-TUN meme, but I didn't find a good one :/ That I got from my friend on tumblr has stupid, simple questions, to a lot of them I could answer the same.
So here is a Misha Collins meme! :D If you don't know, who he is, but you're curious, then click here or check my meme sometimes.
▼ 1) Your favourite Misha role
I don't think it's a real question XD My favourite Misha role is Castiel, the angel of the Lord, the one who gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition, who always wear a dirty trenchcoat and who is addicted with those damn hamburgers.
[29 days left] ► 2)Your favourite Misha quote (NOT TV/FILM) ► 3)Your favourite Misha GIF ► 4)Something you wish Misha would do ► 5)Your favourite Misha fanfic ► 6)Your favourite Misha fanvid ► 7)Why Misha appeals to you ► 8)Something you wish Misha shouldn’t have done ► 9)What would you say if you met Misha ► 10)Your favourite scene with Misha (Includes conventions and TV/FILM) ► 11)Your favourite Misha quote from a TV/FILM ► 12)When did you find out you liked Misha ► 13)Your favourite ship (Includes Misha himself or any roles he’s done) ► 14)Your favourite Misha outfit ► 15)Something Misha has done to make you laugh ► 16)Favourite picture of Misha (Includes TV/FILM/CONVENTIONS/PHOTOSHOOTS) ► 17)Favourite Misha smile ► 18)A song Misha should sing ► 19)A picture of Misha that makes you feel sad ► 20)If you could spend a day with Misha, what would you do ► 21)If Misha were to make an advert, what would he be advertising ► 22)Another Misha GIF ► 23)Random fact about Misha ► 24)What was the first thing you saw Misha in ► 25)Favourite Misha jacket ► 26)Favourite Misha tweet ► 27)Favourite Misha feature ► 28)A letter to Misha ► 29)Your favourite Misha friendship