Fic: Medically induced overload

Aug 02, 2012 13:11

Title: Medically induced overload
Continuity: G1
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Hoist/Jazz/Ratchet
Warnings: sticky
Notes: Quick fill for the kinkmeme, originally posted here, prompt here.
Onwards )

c: hoist, c: jazz, c: ratchet

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Comments 3

whitefirebird August 3 2012, 01:37:42 UTC
This is <3.

On another note, I don't suppose you finished that series of prompts "Ratchet's (very long) day"? I'm just dying to read them all. :)


jarakrisafis August 3 2012, 07:42:18 UTC
Thank you.

And no, it's in my huuuuuge wip list, got 9 out of 24 prompts to go. Will bump it up to closer to the top, but my wip file gives me nightmares, I'm sure the files are breeding :P


whitefirebird August 3 2012, 09:49:16 UTC
I've got my own WIP files. Three multi-chapter bunnies sitting on my head as another large one monopolises my lap when I type. I should really be working on the my current J/P fic's next chapter/editing the one from yesterday, but my brain has had enough - I'm taking the evening off.


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