統合失調症 Chapter 3

Dec 15, 2014 01:42

Title: 統合失調症 (Schizophrenia)
Pairing: Akame, Ryoda, Kuroki/Jin
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Beta: no one yet, if you're interested message me^^
Summary: Akanishi Jin works in a mental clinic, on the schizophrenia floor. His previous patients have all killed themselves in one way or another so when his boss assigns him Kamenashi Kazuya, a high level schiz he is a little apprehensive to say the least. Nishikido Ryo also works on the same floor with a new patient, a mysterious ex-boxer that he can't seem to figure out. What will Ryo do when Ueda Tatsuya becomes his object of affection?
A/N: so this chappie is a little short and focuses mainly on the RyoDa pairing but there is a bit of Akame fun in the beginning, I'm so excited for you guys to read chapter 4, it will start to speed up the story and reveal why Ueda and Kame are even in the hospital!!! douzo

Ryo rushed into the hall and looked dumbfounded at the secretaries.

“Is he okay in there?” Ryo breathed out tiredly, he had run all the way from the break room just to make sure Jin wasn’t getting ripped apart again.

“We don’t know, Akanishi-san persisted that no one interrupt him and his patient unless he asked for it, I guess he doesn’t want people to walk on eggshells around Kamenashi-san. Poor kid.” Kuroki answered, she looked over at the room worriedly, wondering if Jin really was okay.

“He’s fucking crazy! That little twerp almost killed him! How could he even have the right to make a request like that?” Ryo spat angrily, it had taken everything in his power not to stomp over to that room and rip the kid apart for hurting Jin.

“On the contrary Nishikido-san, Akanishi-san has all power over Kamenashi-san’s affairs. He didn’t even want to leave the day the incident happened, but he was forced by the resident physician to go to the hospital and have x-rays done.” The other secretary spoke up, typing silently on her outdated computer.

“He’s always been a little strange, I guess.” Ryo sighed before noticing the beeping light above his own patient’s room. “I’ll go see what Ueda wants, but if there are any more loud sounds coming from Jin’s room I want someone to go inspect, got that?” He walked away before even getting an answer.


“Akanishi-san, why don’t you go first?” The voice was drowning him, he couldn’t even hear himself protesting anymore. All he saw was blurry visions of Jin smiling in front of him.

Please don’t hurt him again, I’ll do anything you want! Just please don’t hurt Jin!

Kame weakly fought against the strong force taking over his small body, he wanted nothing more than to just die right now. He didn’t want this pain anymore.

“Kamenashi? Are you feeling okay?” He heard a mumble come from himself before the darkness took over completely, he barely registered the arms enveloping around him.


“Help! Someone help!” Jin yelled out into the hallway meekly, he was holding up his patient far-too-easily. He wasn’t sure why Kamenashi fainted on him, he just knew what he heard right before it happened.

Don’t hurt Jin.

Did the boy really say that? Was he just imagining it? Who was he talking to? Questions ran rampant through his head while aides all around him secured the boy onto a gurney and began rolling him to the elevator.


“Ueda-san? Do you need anything?” Ryo peeked his head into the room, fearing that the ex-boxer would hit him if he invaded any further without an invitation.

“Can you… sing to me? You know, like you did that one day…” The man was hiding his face under those copper bangs, that cute blushing face was hidden from Ryo’s view, much to his dismay.

“Of course… anything in particular you wanted to hear?” Ryo sat down on the edge of the hospital bed and glanced at Ueda slightly, noticing the man flinch away from Nishikido.

“Bokura no Machi de,” He spit out quickly, it was stuck in his head. That’s why he wanted to hear it, or at least that’s what he told himself.

“Acapella?” Ryo asked with a scoff. As if his heart was actually beating over seeing the blush on Tatsuya’s face. Why the hell was Ueda blushing anyways?

He followed the slim finger with his eyes until he noticed that Ueda was actually pointing to a guitar in the corner of his small closet. Oh. Of course the rich kid had instruments.

Ryo picked up the beautiful woodworked instrument and began to strum the familiar chords before singing out.

Ueda listened happily and made himself comfortable under the thin hospital blanket he was provided, before he knew it, thoughts drifted from Ryo’s singing voice to his bedroom voice.

Say my name, Tatsuya. Scream it out! I wanna hear you begging me for release!

‘What the hell Tatsuya? Why are you thinking dumbass thoughts like that?’ The fairy seeker shook his head violently and stared at the beautiful lips that the song was coming from.

“Jesus Ueda, why is your face so red? Fever?” Ryo was inches from his face, inspecting the beads of sweat pouring out of his face, why was Ryo so close?

Ueda threw his arms into Nishikido’s chest, throwing him backwards and away from Tatsuya’s burning face. Panting hard, Tatsuya ran to the bathroom and locked himself in. If there was ever a time he wanted his childish side to take over, it was now.

“Itai! What the hell Ueda-san!” Ryo grunted while trying to regain the breath that was so rudely pushed out of his chest. Looking up, he saw the bathroom door slam shut.

“Just go away! I want to be alone now.” Oh god, those sniffle sounds. Ryo knew those sniffle sounds, he’d heard them many times from the child Ueda, but never from the adult Ueda. Had… Ryo made Tatsuya cry?

Leaving the stale white room, Nishikido was beyond dumbfounded. Why the hell was that fairy man crying and why in the hell did his chest hurt so bad!? He decided not to dwell on it too long and went to the break room to look for food.

g: kat-tun, fanfiction, p: ryoda, l: multichap, f: 統合失調症, fandom: kat-tun, livejournal, romance, g: jin akanishi, p: akame, r: pg+, r: nc-17, g: news, g: kanjani8

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