統合失調症 Chapter 4

Dec 28, 2014 19:49

Title: 統合失調症 (Schizophrenia)
Pairing: Akame, Ryoda, Kuroki/Jin
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Beta: no one yet, if you're interested message me^^
Summary: Akanishi Jin works in a mental clinic, on the schizophrenia floor. His previous patients have all killed themselves in one way or another so when his boss assigns him Kamenashi Kazuya, a high level schiz he is a little apprehensive to say the least. Nishikido Ryo also works on the same floor with a new patient, a mysterious ex-boxer that he can't seem to figure out. What will Ryo do when Ueda Tatsuya becomes his object of affection?
A/N: i totally lied to you guys i'm soooo sorry but this chapter went in a different direction that i originally stated however i like it more. and sorry it's laaaaaate, hope you enjoy!!!


Kazuya Kamenashi  had been in a coma for two weeks.

Two very long weeks to one Jin Akanishi, caretaker of said Kazuya Kamenashi.

“Yo, Jin, you going on break today?” Ryo Nishikido peeked his head inside the door of the small room and stared at the solemn nurse.

“I clocked out five minutes ago, I’m waiting on the doctor to come watch him so I can go buy some food.” Jin sighed out, not once taking an eye of the porcelain-like face of his patient.

“Jin, you need to get out more. Watching him 24/7 is not going to make him wake up.” Ryo stepped further into the room and sighed heavily. Jin hadn’t been home in the two weeks his patient was comatose, thus he had been showering in the patient’s bathroom and sleeping on a chair.

“That’s not the point, I want to be here when he wakes up and make sure he is okay.” Jin said, silently hoping that maybe, just maybe, Kazuya would hear him and wake up.


Kame knew he was in a coma, he knew where he was and how long he had been in a coma.

What he didn’t know was why he couldn’t just wake up.

Being in a coma wasn’t anything like in the movies and dramas, not at all. It was black, complete darkness and nothing but marred disembodied voices.

Yet, even through that inescapable and lonely darkness, he could feel Jin.

He had faintly registered the physical warmth of Jin’s hand on his one night, a while ago. He had heard Jin stumble in blurring his words more than usual and crashing into things. Kame had wanted to wake up and help the poor drunk man, but he couldn’t.

Jin had fallen asleep holding his cold unmoving hand, and Kazuya was silently crying inside his own mind, because he couldn’t hold it back.


“Nishikido-san, Ueda has been asking for you since you went on break. He’s freaking out.” Kuroki had said calmly, as if this was normal.

Ryo ran into his patient’s room and watched in horror as Ueda sat in the corner scratching already bloody wounds on his biceps.

It had gone like a blur to Ryo, the nurses and physicians running to Ueda, trying to figure out why he was foaming at the mouth, why he was shaking, why he wasn’t responding to him.

That’s what lead him here, to his mom’s house, crying into her lap and repeating the same word over and over again.


The clinic had told him to stay home until they knew what was wrong with Ueda, until then he should take a couple days off and catch up on whatever it was he did when he was alone.

He had taken the first train back to Osaka, calling his mom in advance to make sure she had his old room equipped with new sheets.

“Why is he sick mom? Why didn’t he recognize me?” He sobbed into the woman’s skirt, he just couldn’t understand it. He had tried so hard to get Ueda to stop that incessant scratching, but it was like he was gone, dead. His eyes had gone glossy, as if they couldn’t even see Ryo anymore.

“Ryo, dear, please sleep some. I can’t bear to see you so disheveled.” His mother whispered while patting his hair, she couldn’t see her son in such a wretched state. She didn’t know why Ryo cared so much about this patient, but he was always so passionate over those that couldn’t help themselves.


It was huge… Tanoshi Clinic stood before Ryo like a damn skyscraper.

He had applied for a position at the renowned clinic over a year ago, and had been pursuing the position ever since. He was fresh out of medical school and ready to be a bedside aide for the physically disabled.

Walking into the stale white lobby, he suddenly noticed the aura of sadness and despair surround him, he made his way to the desk asking for the head nurse.

“Your actually stationed on the fourth floor, Nishikido-san.” She had told him, with a sympathetic smile on her face, though he had no idea why.

“Welcome Nishikido-san! We are so honored to have you on our team!” The nurses had bowed to him and smiled kindly, with a sad glint in their eyes. It seemed he had been moved to the mental disability wing of the hospital and scheduled to deal with schizophrenic patients.

“Ueda Tatsuya, eh? What happened to his last aide?” a young Ryo asked, looking at the file and reading over it like it was a study guide.

“He punched him in the face, broke the poor guy’s nose. Akashi quit right after, I don’t blame him.” His co-worker scoffed and walked out of the break room.

His first day with Ueda was interesting, polished off with a black eye and everything.


“Akanishi-san, you really should go home, at least for a night.” Kuroki had said cautiously, noticing the man with a heavy six o’clock shadow and a growing mustache on his tired face.

“No, his eyes moved underneath his eyelids yesterday, he could wake up any minute now.” Jin held onto the young boy’s hand with energy the young secretary didn’t know could exist on someone older than four.

“Anything you need then?” She was met with a sigh, then a gentle shake of his head, and a faint mumble of ‘Kamenashi to wake up.’

She left the solemn man and went to the local convenience store to buy a disposable razor and some shaving cream.


so there it is!!!!! like it? please comment guys, it seriously fuels me soooo much.

g: kat-tun, fanfiction, fic update, p: ryoda, f: 統合失調症, romance, g: jin akanishi, r: pg+, r: nc-17, p: akame, g: kanjani8

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