Shirota Yu appears as a barista at Nescafe event + talks about his “Juliet”

Jun 06, 2011 14:28

Shirota Yu made an appearance in a barista costume at an event called “Latte & U Party by Shirota Yu” held at Cafe Nescafe Harajuku on June 5th.

This was a premium event for the “latte laboratory”, which was created with the talents who love Cafe Latte, to promote Nestle’s “Nescafe Excella“, and they have been holding “latte color referendum” on the internet since March to decide the favorite Cafe Latte among the members.

32 people who voted for Shirota’s latte (chosen by lottery among all the applicants) were invited to the event.

There was also a talk show segment, and he was asked what kind of role he would like to try in the future. Shirota answered, “Since I have had many crazy roles, I want to star in a love story to fix the public misconception (about me). I also want to play the role of a zombie, since I love zombie movies.” At the event, he also performed “Heart of glass” as his singer persona, “U“, and the audience responded with screams of joy.

When Shirota was asked if he has someone who he would want to make a Cafe Latte for, he answered, “If I had someone, I would (make it) for her, but since I am living with my brother now, it would be for him… there is no romantic story for me.”

Shirota will be playing the role of Romeo for a musical “Romeo and Juliet”, which will start in September, however, it has not been decided who would play the role of Juliet. Therefore, Shirota said, “I wonder who my Juliet will be (for the musical)? I’m more curious about that than even who would be my Juliet in my private life.”


promotion, actor, shirota yuu

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