
Feb 16, 2011 21:33

Title: Lonely
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word count: 1205
Summary: Sungmin is tired and lonely and spacey more often than not. What does Kyuhyun do?
A/N: I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ONLINE RIGHT NOW. I'm supposed to be working on a Power Point for my Anatomy class, but I had a sudden stroke of (fail) brilliance that died out halfway. So basically, thanks to my stubbornness and a half-assed stroke of brilliance, I know have a finished KyuMin fic that's complete crap.
Enjoy~ :D
Sungmin sat on his bed staring at nothing in particular. It had been a common occurrence lately, to find him like that.

In all honesty, Sungmin was tired. He was tired of his schedules; tired of appearing on music shows, variety shows… hell, he was even tired of filming his drama. He was tired of all the extra practice he had to put in since he found out that he was to join SJ-M. Sure he was pleased, who wouldn’t be. But on top of all the other stressors in his life, learning and practicing Chinese and preparing for SJ-M’s comeback were getting to him.

He was also lonely.

It seemed like everyone was going on with their lives and could not spare a moment for him. Leeteuk, Heechul, and Yesung enlisted; Shindong was busy with Nari; Siwon, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Zhou Mi, Henry, Kyuhyun, and Ryewook were preparing for the comeback as well; and the whole group was preparing for upcoming SS3 and KRY concerts.

Was he being selfish? Sungmin didn’t think so.

The sounds of tapping keys filled the room and Sungmin was pulled from his musings. He looked over to the opposite side of the room and saw that the evil maknae had come in and started playing games (as per usual) without him noticing.

Sungmin stood up and walked over to the gaming maknae. He hovered for a while before messing with Kyuhyun’s hair and pulling a chair over so he could watch as Kyuhyun dominated his game.

Kyuhyun sat up straighter and grunted as he felt Sungmin rest his chin on his shoulder. Sungmin smiled a small smile and remained where he was.

It continued like that for 10 minutes.

“Min?” ventured Kyuhyun.

“Mmm…” Sungmin voiced to signal he was listening.

“Are…are you okay?”

Sungmin stiffened and withdrew from his comfortable position against Kyuhyun’s side a few centimeters. “I’m fine,” he said.

“Are you sure?” the maknae had paused his game so that he could turn his full attention to his pink-loving hyung.

“Yes,” Sungmin stood up and walked to his side of the room, only to collapse onto his perfectly made bed.

“Min…” Kyuhyun tried again.

“Kyu, I’m fine…really,” said Sungmin before turning his back on the maknae. He knew he wasn’t “fine”. But he also knew that he didn’t know just why he was feeling and acting like that.

Kyuhyun sighed and stared at his hyung’s back for a minute more before turning back to his game.

The sound of tapping keys filled the air once more and Sungmin drifted into a less than peaceful sleep.


The next day and the days after that continued the same way, with Kyuhyun’s constant, “Min…are-” and Sungmin’s terse, “Kyu, I’m fine.”


Finally, finally, everyone took a day off. The dorm was loud and noisy since all the members decided that no, they weren’t going to sleep their day off away; they were going to spend time with the other members and catch up. Sungmin and Kyuhyun were in the middle of it all because Leeteuk had declared that they had become the most distant.

Fake smiles and laughs went around to please their leader, and as the day grew old, they were finally “dismissed” from their group bonding.


Sungmin was lying on his bed once again with his earphones in and his eyes closed. Kyuhyun, as usual, was sitting at his desk tapping away frantically at his keyboard, trying to save one of his characters from dying.

Sungmin didn’t know that Kyuhyun was listening to his breathing, waiting for it to even out and show that he was asleep. After two hours of listening and mentally screaming at Sungmin to sleep, the maknae heard the sounds of slow, even breathing. He turned off his game and crept over to Sungmin’s side of the room. Sungmin’s mouth was slightly open, and his hair was tousled. Kyuhyun smiled an endearing smile and smoothed Sungmin’s hair. The latter twitched slightly at the contact, but didn’t wake up.

Kyuhyun’s smile only grew bigger. He thanked his lucky stars that it was hard (if not impossible) to wake Sungmin up as he shifted the said boy over so that he could climb into bed with him. The (not so) evil wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy and tried his best to stop his heart from exploding as Sungmin curled up into his embrace.

We were always more than just “members” or “brothers” anyway, reasoned Kyuhyun as he rested his chin over Sungmin’s head and closed his eyes.

Sungmin awoke with his head cradled in to nook of Kyuhyun’s neck and the latter’s arms wrapped securely and wonderfully around him. He nuzzled Kyuhyun slightly and Kyuhyun woke up.

The arms around him constricted slightly and caused Sungmin to look up into the peering eyes of his favorite maknae.



And they stared at each other for a while more before Sungmin spoke again.

“I’m sorry I’ve been weird lately, Kyu…I really am,”

“You’re lonely, aren’t you?”

Sungmin was dumbstruck. “How…”

“Min, you’re like this nearly every time we all suddenly get busy. It’s just normally you find ways to make yourself un-lonely,”

Sungmin couldn’t speak. Suddenly he felt lips against his forehead. He looked up again and almost melted at the soft, gentle look in Kyuhyun’s eyes.

“You’re lonely, and you’re tired. Despite all the time you spend around me and the rest of the members you still feel off; you still feel left out and alone.”


Kyuhyun cut him off. “Compared to you, I’m a genius,” he said with his trademark smirk.

Sungmin snorted and closed his eyes. His eyes shot open again as he felt lips ghosting over every inch of his face. Kyuhyun finished his round with a soft peck to Sungmin’s nose. He smiled when he saw the slight blush on Sungmin’s cheeks.

“You’re not alone, though, Min. All the members are there, and you can always call your parents and brother when they’re not. And I’m here. You know that I’d drop anything for you if you’d only just call me when you’re lonely. And don’t start with the ‘I’d feel guilty,’ stuff, Min. You know I don’t care.”

Sungmin grimaced and hid his face in Kyuhyun’s neck again.

“I know,” he said, his words muffled by the beautiful smelling neck that belonged to the equally beautiful smelling and just plain beautiful man. “I know. I…I’ll…I’ll go to you from now on.” And Sungmin nuzzled Kyuhyun some more.

Kyuhyun chuckled and caressed the back of Sungmin’s head. “Good,” he said.

The room was quiet for a moment more before Kyuhyun thought of something else he had to say.

“Minnie,” he said softly. He held back a laugh as he felt Sungmin sigh against his neck before pulling back.


Kyuhyun, swift as lightning, bent his head forward and pecked Sungmin on the lips.

“I love you,”

Sungmin froze, blush spreading rapidly across his cheeks. Kyuhyun snickered and decided to let his hyung off this time around. He pulled Sungmin’s head back to his neck and closed his eyes.

“Kyu?” came Sungmin’s muffled voice. Kyuhyun didn’t answer, but he knew Sungmin knew he was listening. “I love you, too.”

g: fluff, fandom: super junior, r: g, p: kyuhyun/sungmin

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