Written by Candle Light

Nov 23, 2010 17:30

Title: Written by Candle Light
Pairing: Hankyung/Heechul, Zhou Mi
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 750
Summary: What happens when Hannie goes "missing"
A/N: A little one-shot that I came up with for my lovely static_abyss   <3333 (Heechul might be slightly OOC .-.)
I wrote this during a black out, hence the title (it doesn't fit the fic, though, lulz)
My first Super Junior fic! o:

Heechul woke up to complete darkness, rain, and howling winds. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself to go back to sleep. But he couldn't and he blamed it on the rain, the damn rain that sounded more like millions of rocks pouring down from the sky than the water drops that they should be. He groaned and thanked GOD there was no thunder and lightning. A sudden flash of light from behind his curtains and a deafening book reached his awareness. No wonder I'm an atheist... he thought. He grumbled and rolled over in bed, arms searching for the wonderful warmth that was Hankyung.

His arms found warmth, alright, but it wasn't the usual warmth that Hankyung provided. This warmth was too skinny, too sharp, to fashionably feminine to be Hankyung... Oh what the ff-----


The said Chinese yelped and jumped back from Heechul's unexpected (okay, maybe not totally unexpected, this IS Heechul, after all) screech, promptly causing himself to fall out of the bed.

"Well, shit hyung, bloody hello to you, too," grumbled Zhou Mi as he lifted himself from the ground.

"Mi. Where. Is. My. Hannie?!"

Shivering slightly at the possessive tone in Heechul's voice, Zhou Mi raised his hands to show his innocence. "Don't look at me, hyung. He came into my room at 2 in the freaking morning asking me to keep you company while he went out."

Heechul glared at him. "Went out? Where the hell did he go?!" he all but yelled, throwing off his covers.

Zhou Mi took a step back to ensure he was out of Heechul's immediate arms' reach before relaying a completely unsatisfying (to Heechul, at least), "He didn't say..."

"What time is it now?"

"It's almost 4..." At this, Zhou Mi took another three steps back (oh look, he just backed into the door) because although it was dark, there was no mistaking the anger that was emanating from Heechul.

"It's been two hours?" he asked quietly. Zhou Mi gulped and placed one hand behind his back (on the door knob) and took a deep breath before murmuring a "Yes..."

Heechul stood up from the bed and slowly made his way to the door. Zhou Mi started to freak out. Heechul walked up tot he boy and quietly, through gritted teeth, asked him to move. Zhou Mi whimpered and all but dove out of Heechul's way.

Heechul breezed through the door and out into the living room that was illuminated only by the occasional streaks of lightning. He sighed and grabbed a coat (he didn't know who owned it and he didn't really care) and slipped on his shoes.

"Hyung?" called Zhou Mi. "Where are you going?"

"I'm giong to find Hannie," he said simply.

"But hyung, it's raining and thundering. And fucking lightning-ing!"

"And that's why I have to go. It's all those things and then some and Hannie's out there who knows where doing who knows what!!"

"Well...it is "doing all that and then some", but I'm right here..." came Hankyung's voice from the door.

Heechul and Zhou Mi whipped around in time to see a dripping wet Hankyung take off his shoes and shut the door, arms loaded with grocery bags. Heechul walked up to him the moment he straightened himself. He braced himself for a resounding slap he know he deserved, but he got none. Instead, he opened his eyes (when the hell had he closed them?!) when he felt Heechul's palm warming his cheek.

"Where did you go?" he asked softly.

"To the market...I needed some stuff for fried rice."

"Why? Why did you go and send that thing to our bed?!"

"I'm right here!" gasped Zhou Mi, only to be ignored.

Hankyung's eyes turned from wary to warm in a split second. He put the bags in his arms down and brought Heechul in for a hug. "You really don't remember what today is?"

Heechul stiffened before pulling slightly away. His eyes searched Hankyung's frantically before the softened. "Oh..." was all he said before launching himself into the China man's arms. "Happy anniversary," he whispered.

Hankyung chuckled and wrapped his arms around Heechul. He motioned to Zhou Mi to get the bags on the ground before leading Heechul back to their room to really celebrate their anniversary. He smirked and hoped the rest of the members had worn ear plugs before going to sleep.


A/N: /puppy eyes
eheeh? OTL I hope you guys liked it. But Ana, did you like it? :3 idek where it came from seriously... o: lol

p: hankyung/heechul, g: fluff, fandom: super junior, r: pg-13

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