Title: Blessing in Disguise
janna_hawkins Summary: He'd dreamt up entire worlds where he was the most important person in it
Characters: Hiccup
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to HTTYD except the first five books, a Hiccup action figure and a Night Fury figure
Author Notes: Not real sure where this came from. Maybe just because I've been sorta living and breating HTTYD this week? Anyways, hope you like :)
He'd always been the weakest, the smallest; always been the one picked on
Even being the Chief's son made no difference to the bullies
He'd never had friends, none of the other children thought he was worth the bother
Even when he was older, no one would spend time with him
Because of this, he'd developed an incredibly active imagination
He'd dreamt up entire worlds where he was the most important person in it
He'd invented so many wonderful machines that went unnoticed
Looking around his village now full of dragons, Hiccup realizes that this was a blessing in disguise