The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself...

Jun 03, 2010 21:41

No, this isn't a HTTYD post...well not mostly. There's just a storm coming and now I always think of Toothless whenever there's lightning :P

One of the reasons I'm really posting is Series 5. Don't worry, I'm not going to give away spoilers, I just want to say that I'm starting to feel about Moffat as I did about RTD. Not good, seriously.

In other news, Cloud is now off on her trip to Italy/Greece and I'm already missing her *hugs*

Though, I am going to see Star and Willow on Saturday at their graduation parties so that'll be fun! Still need to get their presents though! I think I'll probably head into town tomorrow to get them. Finally feeling better and I already know what they'd like :)

The convention is also getting closer and I'm getting really excited! David Hewlett, Gary Jones, Alaina Huffman, Dan Shea and of course Joe Flanigan...I can't wait!!! :D

Well, that's all I should say for now. Don't want my computer to get zapped by lightning! Here's hoping there'll be a few more Night Furies after tonight! I'm obsessed :P


tv: stargate: convention: mn, tv: doctor who, nfa: oodlycan, nfa: gentakitten, nfa: danaems

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