The Fangirls Strike Back

May 21, 2010 20:15

Title: The Fangirls Strike Back
Author: janna_hawkins 
Summary: Even C-3PO was speechless and it took an awful lot to achieve that.
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, C-3PO, The NFA
Author Notes: So after writing "The Fangirl Menace", I decided that I would try and write another NFA fic for Star Wars, this time for the original movies. So I did! Hope you like!!! :D


Leia knew that this was impossible. Even C-3PO was speechless and it took an awful lot to achieve that.

The objects of their confusion smirked.

"You know, I'd think that people would start being less surprised at our sudden appearances."

"I agree. You'd think that stories of us would eventually start circulating."

"I...w-who are you?" Leia stammered, staring at the six girls in front of her.

The first girl who had spoken grinned widely while tossing her long brown hair over a shoulder. "We're the NFA, Your Highness."


"NFA. Stands for National Fangirl Association. Simply put, we go around in our favorite fandoms and set things right if possible."

"Yeah like all the things dear old Russell did," another girl snapped.

The first girl smirked. "Oh, don't worry, Cloud, we'll be paying him a visit very soon."

"How soon? I have some very specific things to say to him," one of the others, a redhead, asked curiously.

"How about after we're done here?"

The other girls nodded enthusiastically while Leia could only stand and stare at them, feeling more lost by the moment. 
Finally she pulled out a comlink. "Uh, Han? Luke? I could use some help here."

"What's wrong, Your Worship?"

"Han, cut that out and get down here. We've got a bit of a situation."

The girls simultaneously smirked as the sound of booted feet came down the hallway. Seconds later Han Solo appeared around the corner and all six girls giggled.

The smuggler stopped short when he saw the girls. "What the heck?! How did you get in here?"

"It wasn't hard," the first girl said. "All we had to do was lock onto the correct time in the saga and the correct ship. 
Speaking of which, the Falcon is a lot smaller than it was in the movie..."

"Why you...I should...would someone tell me what the heck is going on?!"

The second girl grinned and stepped forward. "We're visitors from another universe, Han. Although, I have to say you're much more handsome than you were in the movie."

"Well, thank y...wait a minute!"

Leia rolled her eyes and stepped back towards Han. "I really think you should leave."

The first girl smiled slowly and glanced behind herself. "You could come out of hiding you know, Luke. Doesn't look so good, last of the Jedi scared of some fangirls. You're acting a lot like your father did when he met us."

"What?!" an annoyed voice exclaimed from another corridor. A moment later a blond-haired young man in black came around the corner and all but the first of the girls giggled again.

Luke ignored them and stalked over to stand in front of the first girl. "What did you mean you met my father? How?"

"Time machine," she replied holding up a device strapped to her wrist. "We got to meet your father, Obi-Wan, Yoda...lots of fun."

"Of course it was. What are you doing here?"

"Not telling, Skywalker. Sorry. And don't even think about trying to search my brain. I was trained by the best!"

"Oh really? Care to put that to the test?"

She smirked. "Sure, go ahead."

"Luke, do you know these girls?"

"I've never seen them before in my life, Leia. However, Master Yoda told me about them. Apparently they caused quite a bit of chaos back during the Clone Wars."

"You have no idea," the first girl said with a smirk. "Poor Ani didn't know what hit him."

"I still think we should have done something about Jar Jar while we were there," the second girl muttered.

"Hold on. Yoda said that he met you, but he said nothing about my father. What was he like?"

"Can't tell you, sorry. That'll cause a huge paradox, not to mention ruining the last fifteen minutes of The Empire Strikes Back."


"Sorry! Now if you'll all excuse me, we have to meet a Slayer...well two of us anyway."

"Wait wait!" the second girl said, running over to Han. "Could you put this on for a second?" she asked, holding up a brown fedora. He frowned but did as she asked. The girl pulled out a small device that made a clicking sound and her smile widened. "Thank you!"

Han nodded slowly as the girl took back the fedora and hurried back to the others. "This is gonna be my new Facebook picture!"

The other girls grinned as the first one pressed a button on the device strapped to her wrist and they disappeared in a flash of light.

"I'm so confused," C-3PO finally said, and everyone agreed.

film: star wars, fanfiction: nfa: fangirls strike

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