The Fangirl Menace

Jan 11, 2010 17:51

Title: The Fangirl Menace
Author: janna_hawkins 
Beta: danaems 
Summary: "Stranger things in my eight-hundred years seen I have not."
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, the NFA
Author Notes: Going back to my roots with this one. The first ever fanfic I wrote was Star Wars related so it's interesting to be coming back to this fandom after so much time. Set between Episodes II(Attack of the Clones) and III(Revenge of the Sith). Please enjoy!!! :D


Anakin Skywalker walked slowly through the corridors of the Jedi Temple, absently tossing his deactivated lightsaber from one hand to the other.

"Anakin!" a voice called from one of the side hallways he had just passed.

The young Jedi Knight turned to see his Master hurrying towards him. "Hello, Obi-Wan."

"Anakin, you're needed in the Council chambers immediately!"

"What for? I just came from there."

"Six young women who say that they know us appeared out of thin air in front of the Council and demanded to be taught how to use the Force!"

Anakin frowned. "Well, that's...different. Do they have any talent?"

"Amazingly, they all have a higher midichlorian count than you!"

"What?! How is that possible?!"

"No one knows! But Master Yoda is seriously considering giving them some training! He's that impressed with their midichlorian counts!"

"And he wasn't with mine?!"

"Anakin..." his Master said warningly.

The young Jedi scowled and set off down the hallway towards the lifts. "Coming, Master?"


As the two Jedi stepped out of the lift, they were greeted by four excited squeals. They glanced ahead into the Council chambers and saw six teenage girls grinning widely at them. Once Obi-Wan and Anakin had walked into the room and purposely moved to the other side of the room, Yoda looked severely at the giggling girls then turned his attention to the new arrivals.

"Masters Kenobi and Skywalker, a problem we have."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied, attempting to ignore the snickers coming from the girls' direction.

Yoda shot another glare towards the teenagers. "Quiet you must be if your case you wish to present!"

One of them, a brunette of middling height stepped forward and smirked. "I don't think you'll reject our preposition no matter what we do. You're too impressed by our midichlorian counts!"

The small green Jedi Master stared up at her and raised a hand. Nothing happened and the girl's smirk grew even wider. 
"Why, Master Yoda, trying mind tricks on me? How very un-Jedi of you. Perhaps we'll go and offer our services to the Sith. What do you say, girls?"

"No!" Yoda snapped, jumping out of his seat to stalk towards the girl’s legs. "Go to the Sith you will not! Train you we will."

"Why, Master Yoda, thank you. When do we start? I only ask because we only have a couple days left to use this," she said cheerfully, indicating a large object on her wrist that resembled a chronometer.

Yoda sighed. "Immediately, we will begin. Masters Kenobi and Skywalker, take three girls each and educate them in the ways of the Force you will."


The girls looked at each other and grinned.

"So, who wants to be with Anakin?" the brunette asked.

Three of the girls immediately raised their hands.

"So, that's Willow, Star and Flower. Have fun!"

Anakin stalked out of the room followed closely by the three giggling girls.

Obi-Wan sighed and turned to look at the girls he was assigned to. " we go then."

"Aye, Master," the brunette replied, leading the other two girls as she followed him out of the room.

Once they were gone Yoda plopped down in his chair and rubbed a hand across his forehead. Looking around at the other Council members, he sighed loudly. "Stranger things in my eight-hundred years seen I have not."


Obi-Wan Kenobi looked doubtfully at the three girls standing in front of him. "Alright, you've got the stance right; now turn on your lightsabers."

The VSHOOM of the swords filled the room, closely followed by the excited squeals of the girls.


The girls immediately fell silent, but each still had a wide grin on her face.

"That's better, thank you. Now, before we start, what were your names again?"

"Sky," the brunette who had challenged Yoda earlier replied, her eyes fixed on the glowing green sword in front of her.

"Cloud," another brunette holding a purple saber said cheerfully.

"Gem," the last girl said with a grin, swinging her blue lightsaber around experimentally.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Fine. Now, once the remotes begin, deflect the shots with your lightsaber. They're only training sabers so they won't do much damage, but be careful anyway."

"Yeah, yeah we know," Sky said, looking up at him. "They'll give us some nasty burns. Can we get on with it? We have an appointment with a Time Lord in a little while."

"With a what Lord?"

"Never mind, Obi," Cloud said with a grin, hefting her lightsaber. "Totally different fandom."


Sky rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, causing the remote droids to turn on and begin firing. Obi-Wan leaped back as the girls began to deflect the laser shots into one specific direction: his.


Ten minutes later there was a pile of training droids on the floor and Obi-Wan had a new haircut.

Sky looked him over speculatively while juggling her lightsaber. "I think you should keep it like that. It looks good on you!"

The Jedi Master glared at her and the other two girls while willing his hair to grow back quickly. "Thanks to you and your fancy tricks, I'll be the laughingstock of the Temple. Now, let's get you back with the others and out of here."

As he led the girls out of the training room, he ran straight into..."Siri!"

The Jedi Knight smiled at him and brushed her hair from her eyes. "Hello, Obi-Wan. Keeping busy, I see."

He glanced nervously back at the three girls who were excitedly pointing at Siri and whispering amongst themselves. "Oh, well, you know how it is. Idle hands and all that."

"Yes, I certainly do. By the way, did you cut your hair?"


"I like it! It makes you look so much older."

"Well...I,, thank you, Siri."

The Jedi Knight gave him one last smile before heading off down the hallway.

"You see?" Sky said with a smirk. "Told you it looked good. Even your girlfriend thought so!"

He spun around to glare at the three girls. "She is not my girlfriend! Jedi do not have 'girlfriends'."

"Says you," Cloud said as the other two girls snickered.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing. So...Council chambers?"


As soon as Obi-Wan and the three girls stepped off of the lift and walked into the room, they could tell that something was going on. An extremely disheveled Anakin was standing, or rather hiding behind Master Fisto's chair, as far from the other three girls as possible and each of the young women had a wide grin on their faces. Sky, Cloud and Gem went to stand beside their friends while Obi-Wan decided to join Anakin behind Master Fisto's chair.

"Master Kenobi, welcome back. Have trouble with the saber training did you?" Yoda asked, motioning to the other Jedi's hair.

"Nothing I couldn't handle, Master. These girls are...impossible."

"Aw, thanks, Obi!" they all chorused.

Yoda glared at them and nodded to Obi-Wan. "Continue."

"They mastered everything I showed them almost instantly. Everything!"

"The same thing for Jedi Skywalker happened. Explanations?"

They shrugged.

"Just fast learners?" Gem offered.

Anakin stood up and pointed at the three girls he had been in charge of with a shaking hand. "They were horrible! They knew things about me that I've never told anyone else!"

One of the girls, the tallest brunette, pointed back at him. "You were horrible too! You kept moping about how horrible your life is and how you have no freedom to do what you want. Even your good looks are no compensation for that kind of whining."

Everyone turned to look at the Jedi Knight pouting in the back of the room.

"Whining, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked with a grin.

"I wasn't whining!"

"Like you're not pouting right now?"

"Why you..."

Sky cleared her throat, causing all the attention in the room to swing back to the girls. "Thank you. Now, as amusing as all this is we have to go. We have a meeting with a Time Lord in another galaxy. Thanks for the training! I'm sure it'll come in real handy."

The other girls giggled at her last word and crowded around her as she pressed a button on her wrist device. As the girls began to fade away, they waved to the others and Obi-Wan found himself waving back for some odd reason.

Once they were gone completely Obi-Wan and the other Jedi Masters turned to Anakin and asked in unison, "What things did they know?!"

Anakin had only one thing to say: "Dang fangirls!"

fanfiction: nfa: the fangirl menace, nfa, film: star wars: obi-wan kenobi, film: star wars: anakin skywalker, film: star wars, fanfiction, film: star wars: yoda

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