Rec, and SPN 6.02.

Oct 03, 2010 09:25

I know I've recommended it before, but there is quite a bit more to it now, and should be finished fairly soon, I've heard. So if you have not been reading Restraint, darkemerald's spectacular Regency-era J2 AU, you are missing out, terribly. I am utterly spellbound. I love it to a truly unseemly degree, truly.

A bit about Supernatural 6.02. Mind you don't step in the spoilers. )

ep commentary, supernatural

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Comments 19

astri13 October 3 2010, 14:40:28 UTC
Now Sam simply comes across as a vaguely detached milquetoast.

That just made me stop reading and laughing for five minutes straight. *g*

The Campbells -- for some unfathomable reason which I truly hope will turn out to be their fear of Dean seeing through their act when Sam has not -- are the most solidly unlikeable characters the show has thrown at us. It might make them passably interesting if they are revealed as good guys down the road, but the show is telegraphing every moment its intent to make them bad, bad, bad. BORING.Seeing as they are aready one cousin down, I'd guess we are left with Grandpa by mid-Season and then it's anybody's guess if he is a good guy working under duress for an evil guy or mustache twirling himself. No idea ( ... )


oselle October 3 2010, 15:19:33 UTC
living in a gated compound (that is sure to be stormed any minute by the FBI)

OMG...the gated compound! I almost burst out laughing when I saw that. How many of these fucking Campbells are there, anyway? Last week I thought there were just four, including Gramps, and this week we're in freaking Ruby Ridge.


janissa11 October 3 2010, 18:06:47 UTC
Or Branch Davidians, I dunno. An out-of-touch group, too, evidently -- did they miss the Apocalypse? (such as it was)


oselle October 3 2010, 18:53:05 UTC
They missed the apocalypse, all sorts of freakish geological phenomena, widespread demonic possessions, entire townsful of people disappearing off the map and the opening of the Devil's Gate, to name a few. Not to mention that no other hunter the Winchesters have ever encountered have ever mentioned these people. Guess that's what happens when you wall yourself off behind barbed wire.


oselle October 3 2010, 14:58:53 UTC
Hm...let's see if I can clear some of this up for ya...

Haven't we been here before?

Could they not come up with anything fresh?

What other reason would he have to tell?
None. He is, in fact, an asshole.

Are fans the only ones who remember what's happened on the damn SHOW?
Yes. With the possible exception of Jensen Ackles himself, who has suddenly found himself in the unlikely position of having to become his own Deangirl.

their fear of Dean seeing through their act when Sam has not
Oooh, this is a very interesting theory! Therefore, you will never see it on the show.

Why did they have to be assholes?
Because Sera Gamble thinks it makes them cool.

Show Sam drawn into what really feels like family
Oooh, how interesting this would have been! Which is why you haven't seen it on the show. Also: too much work.

I assume he will not remain so.
You assume incorrectly.


janissa11 October 3 2010, 18:09:45 UTC
With the possible exception of Jensen Ackles himself, who has suddenly found himself in the unlikely position of having to become his own Deangirl.

I don't suppose I need to mention that having one of the main actors state, unequivocally, that his character was pretty much unrecognizable on paper makes a grave statement about the caliber of writing, do I? ::sigh::

Why did they have to be assholes?
Because Sera Gamble thinks it makes them cool.

I think you're right. I can't imagine why she thinks that, but evidently she does.


oselle October 3 2010, 18:45:53 UTC
I don't suppose I need to mention that having one of the main actors state, unequivocally, that his character was pretty much unrecognizable on paper makes a grave statement about the caliber of writing, do I?

Jensen didn't just say Dean was unrecognizable, he also implied that it was left up to him to salvage their writing with his performance. Of course, he didn't put it that baldly, but I don't know any other way to interpret comments like "I did my best to kind of curve that in the acting" and "I would kind of skew the dialogue a little bit to make it work in his (Dean's) favor."

I think you're right. I can't imagine why she thinks that, but evidently she does.As far back as Season 3, Gamble was talking about how awesome Bela was because she took Sam and Dean "down a peg." I think she especially enjoys taking Dean down a peg -- why, I can't imagine since he's hardly ever been up on his high horse and if anything he desperately needs a self-esteem boost. Even if it were amusing to poke fun at Dean now and then, creating ( ... )


andycake October 5 2010, 20:07:14 UTC
I made some comments in my on LJ on this, but Sera is such an ass that she has totally forgotten that even Kripke eventually admitted this was what they got wrong with Bela. She made a fool out of Sam and Dean a number of times. He said it in freakin' interviews for God's sake! Didn't she get that memmo? We don't *want* Sam and Dean taken down a peg. We *like* them and have empathy for the, that's why we can stand to watch the show.

Now 50% of the main cast are assholes and Bobby is starting to make John Winchester seem like a reasonable guy. I love that quote from Janissa's friend about "Who would have thought it was the Winchester genes that were the leavening "non-jerk" part of what makes up Sam and Dean."


starrcat October 3 2010, 15:54:30 UTC
You said it!


iontas October 3 2010, 16:48:44 UTC
I was really hoping there was a lot more going on when I saw the first ep. After the second I am not so sure. I guess Sam was the one to spill the beans about the torture, but I was kind of holding out a silly hope that they heard it somewhere else. Either way I wouldn't believe Sam if he said that at this point. I really hope they rescue this soon. Lisa does seem like the only one who realizes that Dean saved the world. Dean did have some very Dean lines in this episode, so that was good and the end was nice.


keenoled October 3 2010, 16:59:29 UTC
I am as ever fascinated by little details in directing and costume.
Every single female character on this show has the exact same haircut and the exact same wardrobe. As they are also all of a size and body type, I wonder if they maybe just pass around the leather jacket they all seem to wear?
Directing wise, the peck thingy between Lisa and Dean made me blink. Oh, the passion, the devotion! This may be the last time they see each other! You can totally tell she's been Dean's everything for more than a year... :P


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