Rec, and SPN 6.02.

Oct 03, 2010 09:25

I know I've recommended it before, but there is quite a bit more to it now, and should be finished fairly soon, I've heard. So if you have not been reading Restraint, darkemerald's spectacular Regency-era J2 AU, you are missing out, terribly. I am utterly spellbound. I love it to a truly unseemly degree, truly.

There is only one iron-clad plot device that would equal utter carte blanche on the rest of the episode for me, and that would be deaged!Dean. Not flashbacks, but today's Dean reverted to a very young age. Today's Dean holding a baby, however cute, isn't enough for me. It was cute. But it could not even begin to save the episode from being perilously boring.

Haven't we been here before? Something's Off About Sam: I've had that tee shirt for three seasons now, haven't you? Why are we back in that place? Could they not come up with anything fresh?

At least the first time around there was enough going on that there really did seem to be a question. Now Sam simply comes across as a vaguely detached milquetoast. The Campbell Clan are far creepier, and thereby honestly more interesting (even if I loathe the very air they breathe). Sam's only standout moment was to evidently have spilled the beans about Dean's forty years of Hell, and that just shows him to be an asshole. What other reason would he have to tell? Unless he felt this weird group of fellow assholes had some crying necessity to know Dean's darkest hour, and since they evidently had no intention until recently of allowing Dean to know of their existence, this doesn't seem likely.

And like last week's ep, this week's once again wanted us to see Dean mocked, belittled about his choices. Season six is asking us to believe that Dean would believably be seen as having forgotten what he knows about hunting in a single year. The man who was raised by his father from the age of four onward as a hunter? The man killed Azazel, who was raised from hell by an angel of God? The man whose faith and steadfastness gave his brother enough strength to break the hold of possession by LUCIFER --




I honestly do not see how the writers could have even THOUGHT of a group of Campbells who wanted to do anything less than kiss Dean's motherfucking BOOTS. Oh, sure, I remember the crap flung in season five about the guys who started the Apocalypse. But that's old news. Now? The Apocalypse, such as it was, is over. Sam and Dean stopped it. And --

Am I the only person who remembers that? Are fans the only ones who remember what's happened on the damn SHOW? Because a year isn't enough! A reboot -- come ON. This isn't a reboot, because there hasn't been enough TIME. A "reboot" label is just an excuse to say, "We know it'll be different under new direction." This? Isn't different ENOUGH. It's just badly written. Yes, Lisa's all right, so is Ben. But a year wasn't enough time to build sufficient bonds there. A year wasn't enough time for Dean to BE Ben's dad, to be Lisa's husband. And it sure as shit wasn't enough time to excuse the mockery at being rusty.

I don't know. I do know this. I loved this show like motherfucking burning for years. I barely even recognize it now. Maybe it'll be better with Dean -- evidently -- back in the hunting biz. But if he is, then it probably means we have to see more of the Campbells. The Campbells -- for some unfathomable reason which I truly hope will turn out to be their fear of Dean seeing through their act when Sam has not -- are the most solidly unlikeable characters the show has thrown at us. It might make them passably interesting if they are revealed as good guys down the road, but the show is telegraphing every moment its intent to make them bad, bad, bad. BORING. Why did they have to be assholes? Bad guys are far more interesting if you like them, at least at first. Show Sam drawn into what really feels like family -- then a reveal.

Fuck, I don't know, I'm rambling. Sam is such a non-entity right now. The show has always struggled with portraying the guys equally -- we are not allowed to see into Sam as we are into Dean. If you keep a character a mystery TOO long, well, he just gets boring. And Sam is boring, and occasionally offensive. I assume he will not remain so.

Whatever. I'm out of steam now. ::waves hand::

ep commentary, supernatural

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