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Comments 13

withdiamonds May 14 2010, 04:05:09 UTC
You know, I like your perspective on this. Dean can at least rest for a bit, and the cycle is finally broken. I sort of feel like I can breathe now.

As for whatever's up with Sam, they call them cliffhangers for a reason, and I'm sure we'll find out next season.


may7fic May 14 2010, 04:08:13 UTC
I really like what you have to say here and I think we might feel very similarly. To be honest, I was a sobbing mess by the time the ep ended even though my rational brain knows I should be pissed off for x reason or y reason in terms of retcons, plotholes, etc. I also realize that my emotions let go undoubtedly due to a lot of RL issues and stress going on (nothing tragic, just a lot of "too much"). But, I think the fact that I did have tears streaming from my eyes as it ended is testament to how well the ep worked for me, despite my better judgment LOL.

Hell, I didn't even realize how invested I still was in the show until the waterworks started. WTF? Who'd a thunk it? So, despite my head recognizing its many, many flaws, my gut and heart seem satisfied. 2 out of 3 ain't bad, right, Meatloaf?

I hope you're on the road to recovery?!


damerel May 14 2010, 14:02:08 UTC
This. I would have written precisely this had I been coherent enough. Thank you. :)


nyoka May 14 2010, 04:10:17 UTC
I loved reading your thoughts on this <3


tabaqui May 14 2010, 04:26:33 UTC
Yes. Yes yes. They did need to stop. Sam *did* need to grow up and Dean did need to let him. They both had to be there as they were, for each other, their own faith and love being the one thing that made it all possible.

It hurts, and it makes me cry, and i have *no clue* about season six, but....

It's good.


not_sally May 14 2010, 05:12:19 UTC
To me, it's like this, only exactly the opposite. XD
I mean, I can't picture Sam showing up, going in and have it be hugs all around and "Would you like a beer?".
What kind of cliffhanger would that have been?
I think they will have to learn how to be brothers again, only this time, Dean will be the one with something "to lose".
I think the entire point was the role reversal.
Dean learning how to live outside this obsession with taking care of Sam and Sam learning that it's ok to love your brother so much you'd sacrifice everything for them.
And that one doesn't need to exclude the other.
I mean, I hope that's season 6, right there.


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