Not officially part of the birthday-verse.

May 01, 2010 18:44

A couple of folks expressed some interest in a story wherein the birthday-verse Dean and Sam meet up again with John. There is such an animal, but I am dissatisfied with it, always have been; it doesn't match up sufficiently well with the verse canon, skewed as it admittedly is. I wrote it ages upon ages ago, but it's what stalled me; I could never ( Read more... )

fiction, supernatural

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Comments 45

roque_clasique May 1 2010, 23:47:57 UTC

This was an amazing snapshot oh PLEASE let it not just be a snapshot! Seriously, seriously awesome, and Dean crying out "mom" just broke my freakin' heart! This verse always breaks my heart, every time, oh my god.


janissa11 May 2 2010, 03:51:58 UTC
*hugs* Thank you, honey! My ideas for the verse sorta bifurcated at this point -- one offshoot with John returned, for however long, and messing Sam's neat-and-tidy world all up; and the other, where John doesn't ever return, at least not anytime soon, and Sam and Dean sorta stay more on the "normal" track. I can't actually find the thirteenth birthday I was working on for the non-John track; it had Sam bailing him out of jail. :-/


eloise_bright May 1 2010, 23:52:44 UTC
See, I manage to sneak a peek at LJ for the first time this year and I find this at the top of my friends list! THIS wonderful, heart-melting piece of angsty loveliness. What could make Haystack birthday fic better than perfect. The addition of one John Winchester. Thanks for making my evening fantastic. *grins*


janissa11 May 2 2010, 03:52:28 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So good to SEE YOU! *tacklehugs*


(The comment has been removed)

janissa11 May 2 2010, 03:53:49 UTC
This is the first "birthday" piece I've realized I can't end where it ends. *shrug* Hell of a cliffhanger, doncha know, but it really needs to keep going. I'll give it my best shot, not sure. *HUGS*


glitterglam13 May 2 2010, 00:25:13 UTC
OMG. You killed me. That is all.


janissa11 May 2 2010, 03:54:21 UTC
No no no, no killing. *hugs* Papa John saved the day!


jennierenee May 2 2010, 00:42:31 UTC

You just made my day. Is it wrong to ask for more yet?

*hugs you*


jennierenee May 2 2010, 01:26:22 UTC
Okay, I just wanted to come back with more. Because I've seriously wanted this particular part of the story for SO long. John's reappearance is so interesting because I just don't know how Sam and Dean will react. I mean, they obviously have to be grateful that he was there to save Mel. But did he know she was in danger to use her as bait?

And then there's Dean, who was pretty angry with John abandonment in one of the prior stories. And while all the grownups know that it was for the best, it's hard to convince a kid of that. There's so much potential for conflict coming up (and ANGST \0/). And I wonder what John must be thinking too. Does he expect Dean to be like his Dean? OMG, would he want Dean back now that the Demon is dead (if the Demon really is dead)?

\o/ Did I mention how much I love this 'verse?


janissa11 May 2 2010, 04:00:30 UTC
I think John's return screws everything up, yes. I mean, Dean's no longer really HIS Dean -- this version of Dean has spent nearly half his life with Sam effectively his father. Not to mention Sam's conflict, as multifaceted as that must be ( ... )


jennierenee May 2 2010, 15:27:30 UTC
Yeah, this Dean is definitely not his Dean and it totally makes sense that he feels that Dean is in a much better place now. Because Dean really is in a better place. And he's already raised his child. So while Dean's memories of his dad are so much more recent, John's memories of Dean from birth to 7 are from such a longer time ago.

Poor Dean. *hugs him* John shows up to take out the demon, on Dean's B-day, and now he's going to leave again. And I can't imagine that a 13 year old would take that very well. Poor kid.

One reason why I adore AUs like this is because it gets me thinking of all the different things that can happen. Could you imagine if Adam exists and Dean found out that his dad was taking him to ballgames \o/?


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