I believe in the power of the intarnetz.

Jul 28, 2009 20:04

So if you have 'em to spare, good vibes for tomorrow's dental consultation. I spoke with them today, and evidently they can't do the worst of the work tomorrow, but once we have a Plan, they should be able to start right in. That's assuming this dentist is not like the last one. And assumes, also, that he doesn't say, "It's a fire sale, baby; ( Read more... )

grave danger, em's csi renaissance, csi, nick the woobie

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Comments 13

epistrophia July 29 2009, 09:13:16 UTC
I'm loving reading about your "CSI renaissance". I've been a bit meh about it since Gil left, but one of our digital channels has been showing random old episodes. I've been amusing The Husband by being able to tell which season it is by Nick and Catherine's hairstyles.

I turned on last week and it was the bit where all the cop cars are driving into the garden centre, and I recognised it *instantly*. Had to watch the +1 channel so I could see it from the beginning. So very, very good...

I may have to go and read some CSI fic now. It's been a while.


janissa11 July 29 2009, 11:55:37 UTC
The HAIR! Yes, I do the same thing. *g* I remember being SO relieved that Nick had longer hair during GD. He had that buzz cut for most of the season, and it...was not a flattering look.

If you find anything smashing fic-wise, feel free to link me! *HUGS*


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