I believe in the power of the intarnetz.

Jul 28, 2009 20:04

So if you have 'em to spare, good vibes for tomorrow's dental consultation. I spoke with them today, and evidently they can't do the worst of the work tomorrow, but once we have a Plan, they should be able to start right in. That's assuming this dentist is not like the last one. And assumes, also, that he doesn't say, "It's a fire sale, baby; everything's gotta go."

Have been in considerable pain today. Mostly this motherscratchin' headache. I believe the majority of the pain (headache incl) is referred pain, but it all makes me uneasy. Which, on top of the general dental-phobia terror, is making me rather ugh tonight. However, must be done. I've stayed on my antibiotics and my Co-Q10, been careful, and -- well, we shall see.

Rewatched bits of Grave Danger earlier. You know, I mean, I can nitpick a few things. I can -- whatever. But truthfully? That episode is perfect. For me. It's not just that the ep is good. It IS good, has classic marvelous moments for all the main folks in the cast, just -- yeah.

But for me, long and short of it is that everyone busted their asses to save NICK. There is something about having Your Guy be the focus of that rapt attention, for that long, that is profoundly, absolutely satisfying.

That's really a shallow reason why I love GD so much, and it isn't the only one, I should say. But I think deep down that's a part of it. But I got sorta hitching-breath watery-eyes syndrome AGAIN watching Gil and Warrick open that coffin and take a first good look at Nicky. "Out." I just. Starting with Gil's identification of the fire ants, that sweep of action up to THAT point -- that open-the-box point -- is utterly breathtaking.

Although I admit I did find the morgue scene just a little...jarring this time. I was impatient with it -- I do feel that maybe it could have come a tiny bit earlier and not brought things to such a momentary but screeching halt. But never mind. It's an amazing sequence. Beautifully filmed -- the long follows of Gil, the book, around the map table, Sarah to her office and back, and BAM, cavalry speeding to the rescue. Then -- deep breath, fire-ant mound, and hunting. Catherine TRIPPING over that pipe, and.

Well, okay, I realize others have SEEN it. *sheepish* But man.

AND. As of today's mail I now have all the first five seasons. So I have "Stalker," too. All I'm missing is "Gum Drops" for my top three favorite Nicky eps. (You realize I like almost all eps, right? It's just that -- well, NICKY. Shyeah. Nuff said.)

It has been remarkably easy to fall in love with these folks all over again. What a tight, dynamic, fascinating show it is. I think some people might have taken a pass on it, maybe too science-y, maybe too procedural-y, maybe too popular. But it's a hell of a show. Damn.

grave danger, em's csi renaissance, csi, nick the woobie

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