I believe in the power of the intarnetz.

Jul 28, 2009 20:04

So if you have 'em to spare, good vibes for tomorrow's dental consultation. I spoke with them today, and evidently they can't do the worst of the work tomorrow, but once we have a Plan, they should be able to start right in. That's assuming this dentist is not like the last one. And assumes, also, that he doesn't say, "It's a fire sale, baby; ( Read more... )

grave danger, em's csi renaissance, csi, nick the woobie

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Comments 13

lemmealone July 29 2009, 01:26:49 UTC
There is something about having Your Guy be the focus of that rapt attention, for that long, that is profoundly, absolutely satisfying.

YES EXACTLY. Okay, you've sold me. Because I live for moments like that, fannishly speaking. :D

Season 1 DVDs, here I come.


janissa11 July 29 2009, 01:38:23 UTC
I admit it's a long time coming, being season 5 finale and all. But the growth of Nick's character over those seasons -- it's pretty damn impressive.

Not to mention Gil Grissom is very definitely one of the most fascinating characters to grace serial television ever.



(The comment has been removed)

janissa11 July 29 2009, 01:38:44 UTC
Thank you, honey, I really, REALLY appreciate it. *snuggles*


kimonkey7 July 29 2009, 01:45:08 UTC
You know, you've been rhapsodizing about GD the day through - and nothing WRONG with that - but I feel compelled to tell you that 'Boucenna's Walk' is just as good.

I remember reading that when I first got into fandom (yup, CSI was my first) and the utter...THRILL I got from it; it was a perfect package.

(I'll also never forget the first time you read a bit of my fic and commented and I FREAKED OUT BECAUSE JANISSA11 WAS READING SOMETHING I WROTE!!!OMG!!



I think I might go reread BW for the forth or fifth time. :)

Hope all goes well tomorrow.


janissa11 July 29 2009, 02:05:14 UTC
Aw honey! I -- seriously don't think I had any idea! I love that story. I'd been saving up some of that data on extreme dehydration for literally years, waiting for the right story. Poor ol' Nicky caught my eye. *cackle*

I've been thinking of reposting some CSI stuff here, since it's been out of circulation for a while, but the gen stuff has stayed on ff.net, so I wasn't thinking about that one. Hmm.

Um, you do realize that I'm equally fannish about YOU, right?

Just checking. *SMISH*


kimonkey7 July 29 2009, 02:13:38 UTC
Well, I think a lot of people would love your Gil/Nick if they gave it a chance - because the writing's so good despite anything else...but you also make the relationship something special.

You're the only slash I ever read and enjoyed. Even the dark stuff, which just...GLAHHH.

You should post it. Even if nobody new latches on, it's be a nice return trip for your fans. :)

*smishes back*


janissa11 July 29 2009, 11:51:42 UTC
Oh man, I remember now -- I pulled all my slash off ff.net because of the then-new rule against NC-17 fiction. Huh. You know, I've read several VERY spicy stories on there lately. I wonder...

And thank you, honey -- I appreciate it!


july_july_july July 29 2009, 02:08:00 UTC
Good luck tomorrow! It sounds like you've done everything you can, so rest easy in that regard.


janissa11 July 29 2009, 11:52:21 UTC
Thank you, honey -- I'm kinda sweating it this morning, but I know I gotta go. :-/


elmyraemilie July 29 2009, 02:34:08 UTC
Grave Danger is probably some of the best TV I'll ever see. I mean, we in fandom have dissected it, reproduced it, followed it up, inspected it, tagged it, bounced off of it and debriefed it, and it still holds up--it's still enough to *inspire* all that and support everything fannish that was built around it.

(Saw Petersen this past weekend in a play--it was lovely to see him with his heart in his work, like he was in Season Five.)

I'm going to the dentist tomorrow too. I'll think of you. Good thoughts.


janissa11 July 29 2009, 11:54:00 UTC
Gack, it's Dentist Day for both of us! *HUGS*

GD is spectacular. You can TELL that QT was a huge CSI fanboy. *grin* And it holds up amazingly well!


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