Also, this meme.

Jul 25, 2009 15:51

Because I have way too many, a fact that brings me no particular joy.

The WIP meme: post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.1. Beyond the incense market the city sprawled: bewildering tangles of narrow streets, houses, more shops than Jared had imagined in his lifetime selling a ( Read more... )

meme, fiction, csi, supernatural, writing

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Comments 4

ginzai July 25 2009, 21:52:26 UTC
...Is it bad that I think the one that most intrigues me is #3? I love the world building in #1 though, and #2 is a pitch-perfect reflection of Sam and Dean.


openmydoors July 25 2009, 22:19:38 UTC
I am really really interested to see how #4 will turn out. I like the bit about the patches on John's sweaters. :)


dolimir_k July 25 2009, 22:52:42 UTC
#7 looks like a good crossover for spn/csi!




dnalia July 26 2009, 01:56:33 UTC
#5 sounds interesting.

I did mine awhile ago.
They're still unfinished *facepalm*


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