Also, this meme.

Jul 25, 2009 15:51

Because I have way too many, a fact that brings me no particular joy.

The WIP meme: post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.

1. Beyond the incense market the city sprawled: bewildering tangles of narrow streets, houses, more shops than Jared had imagined in his lifetime selling a vast array of products.

2. No discussion - not that Sam’s expected one, not from Dean - no reflections, nothing but that beloved easy grin, that familiar slap on the shoulder, and Dean’s hipshot gait, sauntering to the car.

3. "I mean, unless you’re Will Stronghold, it’s pretty damn unlikely any of us would have two powers, you know?”

4. In these daydreams Sam was always just himself, and it was his family he changed: Dad into an urbane professor wearing sweaters with leather patches on the elbows, smoking a pipe, and Dean with his letter jackets and rugby fixation, and -- well, it went on from there, and these days Sam is kind of bemused by how damn elaborate some of those fantasies really got.

5. “Would you prefer me to manufacture some evidence that better suits your needs, Detective?” he asked in a glacial voice.

6. Christ, he’d thought he knew what Storm meant, all that babble about elementals.

7. Unsticking his tongue from the roof of his mouth, Nick whispered, “Banshee.”

8. Jordan sensed Nick long before I did.

meme, fiction, csi, supernatural, writing

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