This day feels weird.

Jul 25, 2009 15:32

I'm sorta sitting around hoping like hell my teeth stay calm. So far, so good. I ain't messin' with 'em.

Watched some more eps. "Unfriendly Skies" was a dynamite ep. God, that poor man. Nicky's hair still looking strange and almost little-boy-ish. Warrick still hotter than the surface of the sun. Grissom still the coolest guy ever. Sarah not too terribly annoying yet. Catherine competing strongly with Grissom in the coolympics. Brass = made of awesome. Glad they rapidly disposed of the "Brass is an asshole" taint of the first three or so eps. Brass is most def not an asshole, man. I love me my Jimbo.

Rereading Contagious. Damn, Sigler is a fine, fine writer. Most dynamic prose I've seen in a long-ass time.

Think I'll watch an ep. "Sex, Lies and Larvae" next on the schedule. I so want to put a serial comma in there. ::smacks hand::

em's csi renaissance, csi

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