EEEEEEEE! There be SPOILERS already!

Jun 15, 2006 20:09

Did anyone read these new S2 spoilers yet?


season 2, spoilers, supernatural

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Comments 32

brynwulf June 16 2006, 01:10:01 UTC
I DID!! I have no will whatsoever when it comes to spoiling myself on this show. OMG!!!


janissa11 June 16 2006, 01:12:03 UTC
*hyperventilates* See, I was just sure that all of a sudden DEAN would be fine and we'd be angsting over SAM. Only -- no! It's my baby Dean!

Okay, I admit it: I'm JONESING for Huge Honking Dean-Owwies in the premiere. I DREAM about them, damn it. And I just, you know, knew they'd take my candy away from me.

Oh, and the rest sounds great, too! *cheesy grin*


brynwulf June 16 2006, 01:14:23 UTC
I will really curious to see what form John takes those first few episodes.

And I just can't stand the idea of the brothers fighting and growing apart over what that demon said.

*cough* I think maybe you should put a warning that there are spoilers in the comments. *g*


janissa11 June 16 2006, 01:26:41 UTC
I wonder how much growing-apart would actually take place? It sounds as if there'd be a rift in various ways for a time, but I doubt it would last that long. (erm, crossing fingers)

Hey -- I put "spoilers" in the header AND in the tags, man. *grin* That's plenty! (eep -- isn't it??)


embroiderama June 16 2006, 01:35:55 UTC
Oh, eeee, I read them just a moment ago! *still freaking out* I tell myself, "This show is about the brother; they really can't kill either of them. Even if they separate them, it probably won't be for long. I hope. I hope. Waaaaaaah!"


embroiderama June 16 2006, 01:36:37 UTC
brother*s*, rather


janissa11 June 16 2006, 02:45:56 UTC
I have to admit, I wouldn't mind a little estrangement -- if it's Dean-centric. And that is because I think there HAS been estrangement, but it was Sam-centric, and if Dean is having trouble adjusting to the idea of 'favorite son' and everything that goes along with that particular smack in the face.... I can get behind that.

Not permanently, mind you -- soon it MUST get back to the good dynamic. But briefly, yes.


muffaletta June 16 2006, 02:09:09 UTC
*read the spoilers and squee'd ( ... )


janissa11 June 16 2006, 03:11:50 UTC
Analysis is welcome! Heck yeah, bring it on!

Oh man. When I see it spelled out like you have here -- Sam, and John, and -- I just sometimes wonder how Dean gets himself to crawl out of bed in the mornings. ::hides face:: Sam really wasn't happy to see Dean -- granted, Dean was actually pretty much breaking in at the time, and Sam wasn't out of place in being a little shocked -- but if he wouldn't even take phone calls, man, I dunno, I see why Dean chose to do it that way. ::deep sigh:: Yes, Sam kinda made up for it, but it still hurts. That's the thing. realistic, you know? I don't care that Dean evidently got past it -- we KNOW Dean just pushes things down, doesn't deal with them. God, the second season has GOT to address that.

Sam-centric is okay while Dean's physically recovering; after that, I want at least a stab at equal meaning. If it's still heavily Sam-Sam-Sam once Dean is capable again, I'm not gonna be all that happy.


ann_tara June 16 2006, 11:53:55 UTC
And as for Dean believing the demon-why the heck wouldn't he?

The Demon wasn't telling Dean anything he didn't already know or suspect - if anything, he was tapping into Dean's insecurities as much as he was John's fucked-up psyche. And besides, we learned in both Skin and Asylum that when each of the brothers got taken over, their resentments were brought to the surface. Sure the demons twist the truths to enact the most pain, but the truths have to be there on some level first. Oddly, it's one of the few consistencies in this show.

So Dean knows what the Demon was saying was true - or, at the very least, he believes it, always has. Doesn't mean he doesn't love his father every bit as much as he always has as well. Obviously he loves the guy in spite of what Dean feels his father thinks of him. *sob*


muffaletta June 16 2006, 12:47:59 UTC
I agree that Dean already suspects that this is true. But I wonder if hearing the demon say it, in his father's voice and having access to his father's thoughts, will give it more validity. It's like how Sam must have suspected that he was the cause of the demon's interest but still needed John to confirm his suspicions. Hearing it from their father seems to make it more real.

And I'm not sure it has to do with how much Dean loves his father. Dean has this capacity to love his family despite their faults and with no real expectations-which is why it was so easy for them to take him for granted. But I wonder if the demon's words might not make his reevaluate his place in the family (ie: the hunting, being Dad's soldier, giving up his dreams for the needs of the family) or worse, question his own self worth (since Dean seems to take things as his fault/his failure.)

Lots and lots of fun speculating! Dang, September is such a long ways away. I hate this waiting.....


rose_in_texas June 16 2006, 02:22:39 UTC
Thanks for posting that link. I'm squeeing over here.


janissa11 June 16 2006, 03:12:10 UTC


1trackmind June 16 2006, 02:33:11 UTC
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!


janissa11 June 16 2006, 03:12:30 UTC
No problem, chica -- I'm all eeeeeeeeeeeee over here myself. *g*


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