Lost 4x05 - The Constant

Feb 29, 2008 08:39

So much for getting up at 7 AM and put the episode to download before even washing your face.

I seriously can't remember squeeing so much since... duh, Hearts and Minds.


1. Darlton like Full Metal Jacket?

2. Desmond my dear, your short hair is great but long suits you better.

3. LEATHER JACKET? *dies* [as you've seen, I've taken some veeery ( Read more... )

review, omg, lost season 4, i really do love desmond

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Comments 35

halfdutch February 29 2008, 08:28:12 UTC
I'm kind of speechless after that ep (in a good way) but yes, Desmond & Sayid ftw! :) And Daniel, too.

Oh, this show put me through the wringer tonight, but I love it. I was not at all certain Desmond would survive. *sniffs happily*


janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 08:31:28 UTC
If they killed him you'd have probably heard a transatlantic scream. I was so glad he didn't bite it! Though now I think he's safe at least until he meets Penny. He can't not meet Penny at this point.

Duh, I'm still blown. And the Des/Sayid interaction? Best-thing-ever. And I love my Faraday. I so can't wait to see where they're bringing this whole storyline! Though I decided I'm not trying to figure time travel issues out. They're beyond me.


alemyrddin February 29 2008, 14:48:15 UTC
Che episodio STUPENDO! E per una volta mi ha lasciata in lacrime, ma di gioia.

4. Duh.

7. I think the worst wig prize goes to Jack's in the ep where he operated on Sarah. Ugly thing, even if not as ugly as the beard of doom.

8. Juliet: if you keep it up like that, I might start to love like you.

11. That was so sweet.

12. I didn't even miss Sawyer (shocking!) due to the awesomeness of the ep. And I really don't mind a week's respite from Kate and Locke.

15. Poor Minkowski, I agree.

17. Agreed on everything,.

19. Again, I agree on everything. But I don't think it's a case that she didn't changhe her number. She believed him and therefore she did not change it. And she waited for his call. Awww.

I'm happy. :)

(e se il fatto di lasciare un commento metà in italiano e metà in inglese sembra da pazzi, è perchè Lost mi fonde il cervello)

also "I already know you are crazy". lol.


janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 14:59:36 UTC
LOL non ti preoccupare che avevo il cervello completamente fritto anche io appena l'ho finito... *g* *g* mio dio stavolta davvero non c'era niente che non mi fosse piaciuto. Gli episodi del mio uomo #2 non deludono mai LOL naturalmente concordo sulla 12.. ;)

I already know you are crazy > LOL.


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janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 15:11:44 UTC
Uuuhm guarda io avevo smesso di pensare almeno dieci minuti prima... non ho avuto un pensiero coerente da quando facevano l'esercitazione sotto la pioggia *erm* ma quand'è che si fa rivedere Charlie comunque? *argh*

LOL beh no dai.. si vede che Dan si è innamorato di Des al primo sguardo XDDDD d'altronde gli arriva lì conciato in quel modo con la giacca di pelle, suvvia, io lo capisco il pover'uomo XDD


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janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 15:17:04 UTC
LOL su quello pochi dubbi, ma mi sa che il Dan non ci sta troppo con la testa e sia abbastanza un disastro con le relazioni con altri esseri umani, povero lui XD no comment comunque XD

Ma che figata sovraumana O_O


zoedriver February 29 2008, 17:05:07 UTC
I think this is my favorite until now with The Economist
che meraviglia! a me piace Des versione militare perchè è osì poco il suo!xD
E Dan quando ancora aveva la testa più o meno al suo posto!
E naso e desieeeeee! Oddio, senza parole! Speriamo che restino da soli per un po' e abbiano tanti abbraccini coccolosi! Sayid gli chiede tipo cinque volte in un episodio come sta! AMMMMMORE!


janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 17:36:12 UTC
Oddio sìsìsì devono chiudersi in una cantina e coccolarsi fino alla morte per eccesso di zucchero, ne hanno tanto bisogno tutti e due T_T amori miei adorati T_T

LA TELEFONATA MIO DIO DESMOND E PENNY VI AMO *G* (ciò non mi impedisce di slashare no XDDDDDDD)

DEEEEEEEEEEESMOND ah ma a me lui piace in ogni possibile versione *g* ammooore XD e l'hanno messo insieme al Naso supremo, più di così che chiedere... XD


zoedriver February 29 2008, 18:57:05 UTC
davvero! c'è poco altro da chiedere! Io ero una quasi-sostenitirice del Naso/Sawyer, ma così va benissimo!*________________*

Oh, si, hanno tutti e due bisogno di coccoline!♥


janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 19:08:33 UTC
Schifati del Naso/Sawyer, io lo adoro! Pure se facciamo che ho evitato accuratamente di scegliermi uno OTP ergo ogni possibile combinazione di Naso, Sawyer, Jack, Des e di un tale deceduto nella prima stagione mi va bene XD

Mado mo mi viene voglia di scriverla *g*


zelda_zee February 29 2008, 20:10:04 UTC
I like Desmond with long hair best too. And yes, I'm so with you that Penny was entirely justified. I think I would have behaved in exactly the same way. Only I probably wouldn't have relented and started searching for him 5 years later, because Penny is much nicer than I am ( ... )


janie_tangerine February 29 2008, 22:11:27 UTC
Long hair suits him like nothing else *nods eagerly*. And yeah, Penny is definitely a nice girl. And I so love them together!

I guess that the first time I was still not-coherent on Des, because when I watched it at the second round the hair looked much better than the first time. Go Dan!

Well, that's most definitely weird, but the way things are, erm, Jack's group is actually the best choice there. I want to know where Locke's s1-before-episode-19 awesomeness went.

I love how this ep we got HIC and Naveen together, playing off each other. They're two of the best actors on the show (THE best?) and I'd love to see them have more screen time together.

Totally with you! And they also play my two overall favorites so I couldn't be happier, really. For me, they can stay on the freighter with Frank until s5 and as long as we see them a good deal, I'd be okay with it.

Des/Pen and I guess Bernard/Rose are the only het ships one can ship without breaking her head against a wall, I guess.

You're an optimist if you think they're going to ( ... )


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