Lost 4x05 - The Constant

Feb 29, 2008 08:39

So much for getting up at 7 AM and put the episode to download before even washing your face.

I seriously can't remember squeeing so much since... duh, Hearts and Minds.


1. Darlton like Full Metal Jacket?

2. Desmond my dear, your short hair is great but long suits you better.

3. LEATHER JACKET? *dies* [as you've seen, I've taken some veeery interesting notes about actual facts. Hey, I really took notes.]

4. Widmore is a bastard. Duh.

5. Well, Des, sorry but you deserved Penny's cold shoulder. Though at least, damn, well, not only at the end, I think I wanted to console the poor guy through all the episode.

6. Military? You totally weren't suit for it. But I love you anyway.

7. How COOL was young!Dan's lab? Though that hair, EEEW. Worse wig EVER on show. Okay, maybe Boone's in Expose was worse, I concede it. And errrrm, I didn't understand a thing of the physics. Guess I'm not supposed to anyway.


8. Juliet, you are owning, this season.

9. Charlotte? Thumbs down.

10. How relieved Jack was when Sayid called? *aaawww*. Though this round I was always shouting at him stuff like let Dan do his work lol.

11. Dan? I can't POSSIBLY love you MORE. When he called Des? And Des is his constant? What he's supposed to remember then? He'd better stick around.


12. And thankfully this week NO team Locke. Thanks. Because I couldn't take happy Claire again, broken!Sawyer would have made me sad among the squeeage and if Kate doesn't appear for one episode I'm totally okay with it.


13. Okay, when Sayid was holding Des on the helicopter? Oh man.

14. Frank OWNS me for life. Seriously. I LOVE him. Totally. And he's helping them, yay!

15. Poor, poor Minkowski.

16. All those idiots, you dare touch Des that roughly? Who the hell do you think you are? You've got to handle him with CARE!

17. Sayid? How I loved Sayid here? Even if he and Des are actually not the best friends ever he was so nice and cool and level headed and he fixed the phone and.. and... and... *dies*

18. DEEEEEEEESMOND. I LOVE DESMOND. Nothing else to say. And Henry Ian Cusick is a hell of an actor. I mean, he totally sold the thing and he was plain awesome. Emmy anyone? I think he'd totally deserve one. And the blue shirt was so open! Yeah, sorry, had to say that. Damn, he really needs plenty of hugs, though. And I love him when he's all crazy and angsty. Darlton are cruel, duh, but well. I think he could have gained that inch above Sayid, though I think they're going to share my first place until the show ends. Oh dear, how I love you.

19. The phone call with Penny? Well, Des/Pen is officially my het OTP. It kind of was before but now it's official. I was completely blown away. The last part when they spoke at the same time? *tears up* I love them. I so love them. And they remembered it's Christmas! I should say that it was a lucky case that Penny didn't change number in eight years but whatever. Who cares for logic?

20. Well, at least they remembered that Charlie's dead. Which means they haven't dropped the issue. I'll cut Des some slack here because with such a situation I couldn't see how they could address it, but I hope they will in the future.

21. Sayid + Des = team WIN. I hope they stay together on the freighter with Frank for the whole season plzkthxbye.

22. Okay, Dessy dear, now you can stop time traveling. Because I can lose Minkowski, but you've gotta stop. K? Thanks, love, me.

No speculation because my brain can't process speculation right now.

I think this is my favorite until now with The Economist. Duh, they could leave Eggtown and air this last week. Oh, Des.

review, omg, lost season 4, i really do love desmond

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