jesus christ I'm an idiot. and my university is the same.

Oct 07, 2010 18:06

Okay, so. Today I was going to get signed this document where you list all your exams and all your credits for a total of 180. Which is what you need in order to graduate. (Or well, you need 175 because the other five are for the dissertation ( Read more... )

some stuff is made of fail, crap, dear janie you just fail sometimes, university, fuck., rant

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Comments 32

elliotsmelliot October 7 2010, 16:31:09 UTC
Clearly my university is working with your university because I have 11 students in the same situation due to a credit error made by the admin, not them. It is is really frustrating. I hope your supervisor can help you solve the problem or better yet, no new exam has to happen at all.

I hope you feel better before the concert in case it is one where you will sing along.



janie_tangerine October 7 2010, 16:41:48 UTC
I'm starting to think it's some kind of admin conspiracy. *headdesk* I highly doubt the new exam isn't happening because I should have realized that it was wrong, but then again the admins are paid to actually check that I don't lack things and not to tell me when I hand the forms. I just hope she has a way out of this.

And I hope too. XD It's Nick Cave so idk about the singalong, but I just don't want to feel crap during it.

<333333333333333333333333333 ♥


eponine119 October 7 2010, 16:59:02 UTC
Oh, I am so sorry. That completely sucks.

Feel better!


janie_tangerine October 8 2010, 10:42:03 UTC
It does, y/y? *sigh* l just hope I can solve it as I thought. :/

And thanks! (Now I do. Water and salt do help, disgusting as they are..)


sevvy23 October 7 2010, 17:07:50 UTC
Hey, you don't have to worry about self pity or other shit here... livejournal, you know? you're entitled to write whatever you want and i guess it's better to vent here than to get stir crazy in real life!! Anyway, i hope this situation will soon be resolved; i'm not at the uni anymore (it's only been a fiew months ) but i still have nightmare about the admin stuff!!
Oh, and can i say that i just hate you for going to see Nick Cave while i'm stuck doing nothing tonight because i work at 5 in the goddamn morning tomorrow???
take care, xx


janie_tangerine October 8 2010, 10:57:34 UTC
Well yeah, I guess that's also what LJ is for. ;) I just am completely mad at myself for not having realized it first and it makes me whiny. ;) And yeah, I hope it can get sorted out. Jesus, the day I really am done I'll probably have nightmares about the admins.

And lol it was the only good thing that happened yesterday. A VERY GOOD THING THOUGH. ;) but eww working at five in the morning? ;___; that's awful.


gottalovev October 7 2010, 17:08:58 UTC
you're entitled to a little emo, if you ask me! this sucks so much, i am sorry. I sure hope everything is under control in the less painful ways imaginable *hug*


janie_tangerine October 8 2010, 10:58:49 UTC
It does. I just, why in half of the other Italian universities people double-check that stuff in admin all the time and not here? *sigh* I hope it ends up being manageable, thank you! <3


hopelessfangirl October 7 2010, 17:10:01 UTC
Oh my God, memories of this past April are flooding back to me. My situation isn't exactly the same as yours, but it still involved that realization that you might not graduate on time and it is the MOST AWFUL sinking feeling. Gahhhh, that is so frustrating that the people who were supposed to approve it didn't pick up on that error either! I can see if you were slack about it and never bothered to check with anyone or whatever, but isn't the whole point of having someone approve it be that someone DOUBLE-CHECKS IT FOR YOU? Especially after all this time!

I really hope everything can be sorted out, hun. You work so hard and it would be such a royal pain in the ass to have the process prolonged even more. =( *hugs*


janie_tangerine October 8 2010, 11:04:42 UTC
ISN'T IT JUST? :((( ewwww, it just makes you feel like crap, indeed. And awful sinking feeling = it. *sigh* now if only things were like ten years ago where you got ONE degree I guess that six months more or less wouldn't make a difference but if I push it to May or July it means that I lose an entire year because I have the masters one next and ARGH DNW. And yeah, I was slack and it's my fault but there are people paid to check that I don't fuck up so at least someone could have, idk, GIVEN IT A LOOK? Blah. I just don't want to drag it out. :((



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