jesus christ I'm an idiot. and my university is the same.

Oct 07, 2010 18:06

Okay, so. Today I was going to get signed this document where you list all your exams and all your credits for a total of 180. Which is what you need in order to graduate. (Or well, you need 175 because the other five are for the dissertation.)

My icon should suggest what happened, but I'll cut it because this will probably be whiny and a self-pity party.

I had a last look at it again before getting it signed.

And I realized that in one spot where the exam total should have been 48 (each exam is 6 credits), well, I had seven exams. Therefore 42. Therefore I lack credits.

Cut to grabbing a sheet and re-calculating everything.

I have 170 credits. Not 180. I don't know where the other four credits went, but point is, I have ten credits MIA. And that document in theory couldn't even be approved. Because it can't be approved if the sum doesn't match.

Now. I don't know when it happened because I'm sure that in the first/second year, before I switched a bunch of things, it was 180 credits. About where one exam went, I think I have an idea. (Meaning, I once had eight exams in the 48 credits section, then I took one out and forgot to change the sum.) About the rest, I don't even fucking know.

But JESUS CHRIST, the person who signs them for me DIDN'T REALIZE IT when she has been signing them for THREE YEARS. Every time I handed it in, NO ONE EVEN BOTHERED TO CHECK IT, because if that was wrong someone should have fucking called me. And I handed it in at least four times in three years. Alright. It's my fault. I suck at maths and I screwed it up and I should have checked it better. But that particular copy? It has been lying in the department FOR A YEAR. Goddammit, if people who get paid to check them had noticed it MAYBE I'd have corrected it last year, right?


Now, I'm not hyperventilating because in theory I can graduate in December anyway if I give all the exams before the end of November, and I can give all the papers and stuff anyway. And if my supervisor is as awesome as she usually is I can just spend the next three weeks studying the program she had last year for her subject and give a 12 credits worthy exam with her before December. And she's my thesis supervisor so it's not like it isn't my subject.

BUT GODDAMMIT I WAS SURE I WAS DONE. I just wanted to write my thesis and have free time to do it instead of arriving at the fucking last minute. And I can't even say it's not my fault, but still, Christ, why is this system just so crappy? I was an idiot, but still someone should have realized it, considering that there's a bunch of people who is paid for that. I guess it's good that I realized it before I actually handed all the forms in, but goddammit I don't want to drag it on until March to graduate. Argh idk I just want to cry but I think I'm beyond it. Whatever, I'm half-sure I can wrestle my way out of this, but I don't think my brain is ready for this.

In other news: my throat is utterly sore or at least it feels like it's burning and I have a concert this evening and I'm not exactly feeling like going anywhere but hell, it might be the last time I get to have some free time in the next three weeks. Might as well go. :( Dear this post is totally the self-pity feast.

some stuff is made of fail, crap, dear janie you just fail sometimes, university, fuck., rant

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