The Italian postal service? Made of FAIL. Let me tell you.

Jan 20, 2009 11:28

Okay. Now I'm seriously pissed-the-fuck-off.

When I sent the cards this year, I had also sent lasamy a package with some stuff I had to send her since months (Christmas presents included) which was quite a big one. And surprise, it never arrived. At this point I was seriously thinking it was lost and that I should have gone complaining in order to get ( Read more... )

this is not fun at all, wtf, my country is hopeless

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Comments 17

lasamy January 20 2009, 10:40:11 UTC
cazzo mi spiaceeee!!!

falli neri!! -.-'


janie_tangerine January 20 2009, 14:05:45 UTC
Feci, feci, per quanto possibile.. *sigh*


melian_eresseie January 20 2009, 11:09:24 UTC
Che dire... viva l'Italia... ma l'importante è che il nostro governo si occupi di cose fondamentali come la sicurezza di chi passa sotto le mani del chirurgo plastico in modo che chiunque si rifaccia le tette non se le veda poi degenerare a causa di protesi scadenti...


janie_tangerine January 20 2009, 14:06:07 UTC
QUOTO completamente. Blah. Che paese, che paese...


polvodestrella January 20 2009, 11:45:24 UTC
WTF??! This sounds like some bad post office experiences I' ve had in Spain!


janie_tangerine January 20 2009, 14:06:48 UTC
Looks like at least we aren't the only place where postal service sucks, indeed. :/ I made a complaint, let's see how it goes.


bitterbird January 20 2009, 12:15:53 UTC
omg that is soo stupid
fail postal service!


janie_tangerine January 20 2009, 14:07:05 UTC
MAJOR failure. Indeed. *sigh*


neated January 20 2009, 12:47:56 UTC
That sounds so absurd. What the heck is wrong with them? *hugs*


janie_tangerine January 20 2009, 14:07:40 UTC
♥ I don't have an idea. Well, the postal service here never was the best public service, but that's just ridiculous.


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