Fic, Lost: Moments Have You (Jack/Sawyer), hard R or very light NC17, for inthekeyofd

Jul 11, 2008 12:28

Title: Moments Have You
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Word counting: 1300
Rating: hard R or very light NC17, your pick
Disclaimer: Not mine. Come on, if they were I'd be much richer than I am.
Spoilers: Nothing. And completely AU, so I don't know, they've been rescued before the S2 finale but after the poker game when they understood they were made for each other or something.
Summary: Sawyer had been the one to buy the new sheets. Double-face sheets, white on one side and black on the other, of a nice, soft cotton.
A/N: for Queen inthekeyofd at lostsquee, who asked for Jack/Sawyer, white, black and both of the sets of dimples. I should have covered all here ;) I hope you'll like yours truly's offer! By the way, completely without any plot whatsoever. I really hope it works. Title from a John Frusciante song not because it has a thing to do with this but because I know the Queen will get a kick out of it ;)

Sawyer had been the one to buy the new sheets.

Double-face sheets, white on one side and black on the other, of a nice, soft cotton. The most surprising thing was that Sawyer had actually made the bed after they were washed and Jack couldn’t actually wrap his head about the notion of Sawyer making a bed. He was usually the one and it wasn’t hard on him or anything, it was just a thing he had done since they moved in together.

So he’s kind of surprised when one evening he gets in the bedroom after work in order to put away his jacket and sees a bed so neatly and perfectly made, the sheet around the mattress black, the one over it too, but folded so that a white strip showed among the black, against the whiteness of the pillowcases.

“So, d’you like it?”

Jack let his jacket fall against a chair, turning to Sawyer; he stood against the wall of the room near the door, bare feet, the low worn out jeans he wore at home, a white shirt with only a couple of buttons closed, a small dimple showing up in his cheek and a sort of devious glint in his eyes, hair which Jack doubted he had even brushed that morning falling unruly over his shoulders.

“You’ve got an eye for colors.”, he had to admit, eying the bed again, the contrast of the sheets becoming more evident with the more time he looked at it.

“Why, thanks.”

“I didn’t know you were so good at making a bed. Maybe you should do it yourself, once in a while.”

“Nope. That was a one time thing, Doc.”

“Right, I’m sure that it’s too much of an effort.”

The second dimple showed up while Sawyer came closer.

“Damn right. And you know, I was thinkin’.”

“So you were. About what?”

“About givin’ those sheets a proper christening.”

“Sawyer, you changed them this morning.”

“Why do you think that I chose the black side?”

Jack has more or less three seconds to fake a shocked expression (because he had totally been expecting it, no more and no less) before Sawyer closes the distance and they kiss, slowly; Sawyer’s lips touch his lightly at first, almost a feather touch, before Jack’s tongue runs over them and a sigh escapes from Sawyer’s mouth before it becomes a full kiss. Jack’s left hand goes to Sawyer’s shoulder while he savors a faint taste of coffee on Sawyer’s tongue (he won’t ever understand how he can sleep in the night when he has coffee in the middle of the afternoon), his right creeps under his shirt and he smiles into the kiss when Sawyer whimpers in the second he touches one of those damned back dimples.

He has learned a couple of things, since they were rescued six months ago. He has learned a couple of things indeed.

They stumble over to the bed more or less graciously and he kicks off his shoes before letting his feet touch the cloth; Sawyer lifts up the sheet and for a second Jack sees white in the face of the sheet that was against the bed before they both fall over the black one again, Sawyer’s white shirt making contrast with it and melting with the pillowcase he has laid his head on.

Jack undoes the last two buttons of Sawyer’s shirt slowly, while Sawyer’s fingers do the same thing on his own; soon Jack’s shirt is over the floor as Sawyer’s is and Jack does indeed have an idea of what he wants to do right now.

He slowly unbuttons Sawyer’s jeans, pulling the zipper down, but doesn’t lower them any more than they already are; Sawyer raises an eyebrow at him, obviously not expecting it.

“Turn over.”, Jack says; Sawyer accomplishes even if he doesn’t look that much convinced, except that as soon as he does and his back is exposed for Jack to see, golden and tanned, smooth skin against the black sheets, Jack’s head drops down and his lips brush slightly over his left back dimple.

Sawyer’s whole frame shivers at that; Jack then traces it with his tongue, slowly, then lightly kisses it and he doesn’t care if Sawyer shivers again and if his fingers are tightly closed over the sheet covering them, white against Jack’s back and black on the other side.

Jack’s hands go to Sawyer’s hips while his mouth leaves the left dimple to pass on the right one, mirroring his previous movements; Jack can’t really keep himself from smiling slightly again when Sawyer mutters something on the lines of damn fucking tease of an E.R. reject and Jack shuts him up giving a light bite in that place between the both of them, Sawyer’s skin warm and smooth against his lips, just the tiniest bit of sweat starting to roll down his back.

Jack’s lips trace up his spine while he raises up, laying closely on Sawyer’s side when Sawyer turns on his side, almost facing him but not really since hair that maybe needs a cut and maybe doesn’t falls all over his features. Jack can feel his ragged breath against his mouth when Sawyer turns on the other side, his chest against Jack’s, his fingers find their way in the band of Sawyer’s jeans and he takes him in hand, hard as Jack thought he was going to be after that small business he took care before.

Sawyer’s hands go to his wrists when Jack starts stroking, his hips pushing just slightly into Jack’s hand at the beginning; Jack can feel himself getting excited, so very excited, but it isn’t the moment now, not when Sawyer’s head turns to him as much as he can and his mouth is near Jack’s, his breathing faster than before, pleasure moans escaping from his lips on an almost semi-perpetual basis. Jack figures he must have done his job right before, since Sawyer usually is way more talkative during the operations by Sawyer himself defined righteous christening of bedsheets; but he really doesn’t care and he isn’t even thinking about it when he gives the last stroke, Sawyer’s hot skin against his chest.

He gets Sawyer to turn before it’s over, kissing him while he’s still coming against his hand; when they part and Sawyer faces him again (even if turning altogether was something of an effort or so it seemed), his lips are red, swollen from the kissing, his hair scattered across the white pillow; Jack has barely the time to clean his hand with one of the tissues he kept on hand on his nightstand before Sawyer’s fingers are closed firmly on his hip.

He turns again, half smiling, meeting a dimple that shows in Sawyer’s left cheek, that sort of devilish spark still drowning in those very green eyes.

“Guess you finally got what it means to christen sheets properly, Doc.”

“Maybe I did. Care to show me, in case I haven’t?”

Sawyer’s grin lasts a second or two before he just gets on top of Jack, reversing their previous positions. The sheets are warm against Jack’s back and he doesn’t flinch when Sawyer’s hands close around his arms.

“I’d say I can show you just damn fine.”

He fully smiles at Jack then, before kissing him again, slow and just as nice as one could ever wish for, his tongue flickering along Jack’s lips before he winks at him, those two dimples fully showing up; then his hands are on Jack’s waist, his belt drops on the floor along with everything else.

The last thing Jack sees, before Sawyer drops his head down and takes him slowly in his mouth, and he closes his eyes losing himself in the blissful heat surrounding him, is the white of the back of the sheet falling over Sawyer’s shoulders.


luau fic, fanfiction:lost, character: james sawyer ford, character: jack shephard, pairing: jack/sawyer

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