A Match Made in Austen Heaven - Stamped as Elizabeth Bennet - Matchmaking Theme

Dec 24, 2009 19:36

Which heroine were you stamped as? (This doesn’t necessarily mean you should be matched with the hero your heroine is matched with.)  Elizabeth Bennet

What is your (or an) ideal romantic partner like?  Strong, protective, honest, rugged (not a pretty boy), compassion, spiritual, likes the idea of children

What are some required traits in a romantic partner?  Honesty, fidelity, love, passion - I have to know that he loves me, even if he doesn't show it in public.  I'm not a strong believer in PDAs in the general public, but I want him open with me, and at least a little open in front of our families.

Are you restrained in expressing emotion or free and spontaneous?  More restrained  in public while freer when private

Are you practical about things like marriage or the background of your partner?  I tend to be.  If I take him on, I have to accept his whole past - even the parts I don't like.

Do you prefer a classic romance or a quirky, unconventional relationship?  Strong leaning towards the classic with highlights from the quirky!

Do you prefer being with someone whose tastes and opinions and thoughts yours are so well in accord with or someone with whom you have a real chemistry and an intense relationship?  Both!  While wishing, go for the stars or you'll never reach the moon.  I want someone I can talk with, seriously and joking - but I also want that private communication where we can have whole conversations with just our eyes.

Serene or tumultuous? Serene mostly, but tumultuous moments for spice

Security or passion?  Both - yes, I want everything.  I would probably lean towards security, but I'm in the middle.

What do you love most about relationships?  That mutual support - even if the rest of the world brushes us off, we have each other's back.

Give one of your favorite quotes on love. We only regard those unions as real examples of love and real marriages in which a fixed and unalterable decision has been taken. If men or women contemplate an escape, they do not collect all their powers for the task. In none of the serious and important tasks of life do we arrange such a "getaway." We cannot love and be limited.


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