Have I really never filled out this survey?
Which heroine were you stamped as? (This doesn’t necessarily mean you should be matched with the hero your heroine is matched with.) Elinor Dashwood
What is your (or an) ideal romantic partner like? Complex, sensitive, interesting, and different. Maybe a bit dark and brooding, but not a total nihilist. He must be passionate and deep, possibly in a still-waters sort of way, and romantic.
What are some required traits in a romantic partner? He has to be physically attractive to me (I guess that's kinda obvious), have some similar interests to me, and have an alluring personality. He can be very different from me but similar enough that we get along and connect. He has to be intelligent in some way and unconventional.
Are you restrained in expressing emotion or free and spontaneous? I am more restrained. Occasionally I'm pretty free and spontaneous, but on my whole my personality and - romantic strategies? - incline me to be reserved.
Are you practical about things like marriage or the background of your partner? No, not really. I don't really care what he does or "where he comes from." I mean, hopefully he's not a homeless man, and it would be nice if my parents didn't totally hate him. But I would go with him if I really loved him even if they did.
Do you prefer a classic romance or a quirky, unconventional relationship? A quirky, unconventional relationship. But it has to be romantic, not just us goofing off all the time. My concept of romance is kind of classic in the sense of passion, deep feeling, checked impulse, and all that.
Do you prefer being with someone whose tastes and opinions and thoughts yours are so well in accord with or someone with whom you have a real chemistry and an intense relationship? Hmm, I think I'd have to choose real chemistry and an intense relationship. I assume that whoever I'd be that attracted to would be somewhat similar to me. But that's more important than sharing all your interests and stuff. Just having the same bent on questions of opinion doesn't mean you really connect.
Serene or tumultuous? A blend of both
Security or passion? Passion
What do you love most about relationships? Excitement and depth. I feel like it's the crowning joy of life in some ways, or it should be. You know what I mean?
Give one of your favorite quotes on love.
One of them is the LJ cut text, and that's why I made it the text for this theme. :P
"...there she was (my Lolita!), hopelessly worn at seventeen, with that baby, dreaming already in her of becoming a big shot and retiring around 2020 A.D. - and I looked and looked at her, and knew as clearly as I know I am to die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth, or hoped for anywhere else. She was only the faint violet whiff and dead leaf echo of the nymphet...but until I am gagged and half-throttled, I will shout my poor truth."
- Lolita
"If I am drawn to a man, I simply move right into the center of him. I know him immediately and intimately. There isn't room inside him for me and whatever is phony, so the phoniness has to go."
- Louise Brooks