According to Atomic Habits, in order to write every day, I need to not say, "I'm going to write every day," but tie a time and a place to that statement, and perhaps even "habit stack
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I've debated deleting this and starting anew and maybe I will. This journal is tied to 20 years of experience. Reading back on it, I feel like I should detach myself from it, but the last 20 years shaped me. So, perhaps I should embrace it
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I'm really tired, but I don't want to go to sleep. Blah. I talked with my professor today, finally. This particular professor I have been wanting to speak with for ....ever since the semester started. I havn't been able to bring myself to because (1) he intimidates me (2) the conversations I have had with him "in passing" he has talked down to me
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Has anyone ever heard of any FTM guys getting thier hips shaved down? I feel like i have heard of it before but I tried looking it up and didn't find anything on it. Did I make this up?
aoieuwnccmdwu. GOSH Im tired. I have to wake up tomorrow morning at 6:30! I havnt done that in forever! Why am I still up!? Tomorrow is my first day at my new prepracticum site. McLaughlin Middle school in Manchester. I think i am going to have a very good experience there. I can feel it in my bones. Bill (the best professor a college could ever
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Ahhh. School. I wanted to say "ahhhh.. life" but school came out instead. So yeah it started and I have been deep within it's confines. Other than hanging out with Billy last night I havent done much other than hw and work for the past week. I'm pretty proud of myself so far though. I have really stayed on task and ahead of the game. I know it has
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haha the Maytag repair man was just at my house except he wasnt dressed in that little blue suit you see on the commercials. That bummed me out. We have a new stove now.... that's pretty exciting cuz now I can have some fun cooking. I heart cooking!
Gotta love Thats So Raven. Heh. Today was the little gar-mans birthday so Pam and I did it up at Pizza Hut and Funworld -et twas fun! Here are some thats-so-fun peeksures:
Ahhhh. There's nothing like looking forward to something all day to have it not happen. Wooo. I'm at a low because all I wanted to do was come home and have some coffee ice cream in the chocolate cones we have and they are both MIA. My mom loves to steal everything and bring it to Mikes. That's just not cool
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Wow it is really pouring right now. It sounds so nice though. The splatter of the rain against the cement and the wind tunneling through the trees in my ever so quiet nieghborhood. I hope it is still raining like this when I go for my run. I've never ran in a down pour
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