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Aug 10, 2006 11:36

okey day... ewwww channelling that stupid animated thing in Star Wars...start again ( Read more... )

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sugareey August 10 2006, 04:15:35 UTC
Brokeback...there were certain things I liked about it. But I do agree it was a bit confusing at first. Like the beginning was very shaky. But I really think there could have been more added in. And then again...this was set a while back. But still. I don't know what I'm saying.

Donnie Darko...I just never finished. I don't get it and I never will. It gave me a headache. So I'm not sure if I should try finishing it.

As for Harry and Draco...I really don't know. If I could draw them out of my head, I would (except I'm not good at doing that). It's usually when they boys are younger that I see them as they are (Dan and Tom). But older...I guess Draco would be someone like Boyd. Harry...I don't even know. I think I focus on the way they talk to each other more than what they look like (unless they're naked). ;D


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 08:34:19 UTC
Well, when they're naked it's very hard to concentrate on their faces isn't it? lol


enchanted_jae August 10 2006, 05:06:25 UTC
Whom do I see when I think of Harry and Draco?

For Harry, Dan of course.

For Draco, Boyd Holbrook, and I'll tell you why. I stumbled upon the H/D fandom quite by accident when following a trail of slash. At the time, I had neither read any HP books nor seen any of the movies. Had heard of the HP phenomenon, of course, but I had no real interest in it. JKR can thank her slashy little fans that she now has another HP fan who has purchased all of her books and the DVDs, too, because I am now enamored of ALL things HP! But, I digress. When I first stumbled on the fandom, so many people were using Boyd as Draco in their icons, that I mistakenly assumed he WAS the actor who portrayed Draco in the movies. As a result, I always see Boyd in my head when reading of Draco in the fandom. *shrugs*


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 13:17:47 UTC
Boyd....oh Boyd...*sighs* I can certainly understand you making that mistake being new to the whole scene back then, especially when Boyd was being touted everywhere as fanon's Draco. He was so pretty.


bansheeqwn August 10 2006, 05:15:04 UTC
First BBM...I wasn't crazy about it myself either, but the ending still broke my heart. Jake was delicious and finding the shirts in the closet made me cry. Heath on the other hand, urgh...I couldn't get past his constant mumbling.

As for who do I see? Tom had never been my idea of "Draco." I really consider him to be miscast for the role, especially after he had his growing spurt. Generally speaking I never picture real life people when reading, I much prefer to imagine sherant's Harry and duckpuppy's Draco acting out the scenes in my head! They're spot on to me.


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 13:15:45 UTC
Heath was terrible with the mumbling. Dunno why he bothered, that and his walk made him look ridiculous. Jake had good eyes, though. *nods*

I like those artists work, but neither of them are my Harry or Draco, but it makes it wonderful for you if they are. :) makes it so much easier haha.


naadi August 10 2006, 05:22:36 UTC
Naadi's art of Draco comes close, though not quite.

*grin* I'll just have to try harder, then. ;-) Actually I've only been able to approximate how I "see" him in my own head - so I haven't quite got my own image of him down on paper yet. But close.

Dan comes pretty close to Harry for me - at least when he was young. Tom is really not Draco to me at all, though acceptable. I think of both of them as very slender - almost skinny even - and when people post pics of muscley guys that they think look like them, I'm always thinking o_O!


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 13:12:59 UTC
Your Draco is soooo pretty and so very close. If he's close for you as well, then perhaps we both have exactly the same vision!!! hehe.

I really can't stand thinking of either of them as muscley. Neither of them are written like that in canon - not that we as a fandom let a little thing like canon stop us - but I don't see either of them as heavy or stocky. I develop selective reading skills when they are depicted like that. Subconciously, I skip over those descriptive words. lol.


smoo_001 August 10 2006, 05:24:23 UTC
I think when I'm both reading and writing fic, I don't really see a clear face on either one. Just sort of bits and pieces,for example, if harry's eyes are mentioned, i just imagine a pair of green eyes on a man. or a head of dark hair, or a hot arse, and so on. when i'm writing them, especially if it's a physical scene, i imagine the positioning of the bodies, but not necessairly their faces again. maybe flashes here and there, but nothing concrete. at the most i could probably imagine the actors, in a pinch, but its hard because i'm anal about detailing, and i'd then sit obsessing over exact features and what not, and never get anything done. so its easier to see a blurred face rather than exactness.


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 13:08:48 UTC
I can see your point, lol. Sometimes that happens to me with Draco, too. Depending on what I'm reading.


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