A little poll on our involvement

Jan 22, 2011 11:46

I’ve noticed in the different threads on comics related stuff that sometimes there was some kind of disenchanting vibes about the verse in general
Here’s a poll about the Buffyverse and our ties to it, creatively or /and emotionally speaking.You can pick several choices.

writing and reading- fandom, poll

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Comments 36

bogwitch January 22 2011, 11:15:27 UTC
Tricky to answer. I read in other fandoms, but I produce work here. While I'm mostly here for my friends, I still have a lot of creative stuff I want to finish off and that will keep me around. Plus I mod several Spike communities and I'm not abandoning them. I may be more into Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries these days, but the people I like best are here!


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:51:12 UTC
I got the impression that a good number of people are in the same situation: work to produce or finish and friends made since the beginning, which matters a lot. It’s been exactly seven years that I started interacting here and I can’t see going anywhere else. I watch and enjoy other shows but never felt the desire to enter their fandoms.
but the people I like best are here! Yep.:D

You’re into Vampire Diaries ? You didn’t talk about it in your lj ? I like this show, too.


bogwitch January 22 2011, 13:58:59 UTC
I might have mentioned the Vampire Diaries briefly, but it's a recent thing, a couple of months old. It seems to me to be a decent replacement for Buffy, if not nearly as witty. Damon is Spike, more or less, of course an old Spike fan is going to be all over him!

My love of Supernatural is rather different, as I care about the whole show not just a few characters. The fandom however, I just can't seem to connect with at all.


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 15:49:49 UTC
I'm having a lot of fun watching VD . It's not nearly as witty as Btvs indeed- there's so much packed in one episode ! It's rather thrilling.

Damon is Spike, more or less, of course an old Spike fan is going to be all over him! I'm of course drawn to Damon and enjoy what the writers have been doing with him so far.

My love of Supernatural is rather different, as I care about the whole show not just a few characters. I feel the same with Fringe. I like the show in itself and it's pure glee to have a new episode but I don't want to have anything to do with the fandom.


elisi January 22 2011, 11:21:39 UTC
A lot of what bogwitch said. I've been thinking about it, and the thing is that I've been moving on for a long time. I submerged myself so thoroughly in Buffy that I've said everything I wanted to say, really, meta-wise. When I re-watch, I love it still, but I don't have any new insights. All of which is perfectly normal when there's no new canon to sink my teeth into. (The comics aren't new canon, they're... anti-canon. They attack my show and if I were to acknowledge them as a continuation I'd have to throw everything else I've written out of the window.)

But I love my friends here, and I love the show, and I even have more fic I need to write. So... I hate what the comics have done to the fandom, but they don't affect my own view.


hesadevil January 22 2011, 11:38:25 UTC
Totally agree apart from the bit about still writing fanfic. I'm not and nothing else has ever inspired me to write.


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:54:43 UTC
I love that the show has been such a beautiful, unique source of inspiration for many of us.


bogwitch January 22 2011, 14:00:39 UTC
For me, no one else wants my writing!


kathyh January 22 2011, 11:24:53 UTC
I answered that I'd moved on, which has been happening for a while, but it doesn't mean I won't still be around making icons and reading fic sometimes (not so much now I admit). It's just that the Buffyverse no longer consumes me as it once did, but I still love all the friends I've made through being involved with it.


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:58:22 UTC
I answered that I'd moved on, which has been happening for a while, but it doesn't mean I won't still be around making icons and reading fic sometimes I suppose that there are different levels of “moving on’ and I totally get what you’re saying.
I think we ,’older’ fans - meaning being here for a long, long time :-), are moving on in some ways and yet still enjoy what the fandom has to offer sometimes.
(And I appreciate that you still male Btvs icons, thay're so gorgeous)
I only read Spuffy fanfics but less than before. I feel the pleasure to create drabbles. At the same time , I look at things with a detachment that doesn’t come from indifference but from the peaceful knowledge that I know how to love my ship and I don’t need any validation from others.
I still love all the friends I've made through being involved with it. Yep.:D


frenchani January 22 2011, 11:32:37 UTC
Je ne peux pas répondre car aucune des propositions ne correspond à mon sentiment!

Je n'ai pas envie de dire que je suis passée à autre chose, même si je n'échange plus guère sur BTVS en ligne et si je ne lis plus de fanfic, car ce n'est pas dans ma nature, et rien ne peut se comparer à "l'expérience Buffy" pour moi, et puis je garde désormais cet univers dans une sorte de tabernacle intime, inviolé et inviolable.

Et puis la série et le fandom ont toujours été dissociés de LJ pour moi, car la partie la plus "intense" de l'expérience online je l'ai vécue sur un forum (aujourd'hui disparu) au cours de la diffusion des deux dernières saisons, il y a 8-9 ans.

Bref je suis passée d'une religion publique à une religiosité privée!


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 14:04:42 UTC
aucune des propositions ne correspond à mon sentiment! Eh bien les commentaires sont faits pour çà.:-)

rien ne peut se comparer à "l'expérience Buffy" pour moi, et puis je garde désormais cet univers dans une sorte de tabernacle intime, inviolé et inviolable. Absolument. Même si je m'implique encore dans qqs discussions ou que je poste de temps en temps un billet sur ma façon d'aimer Buffy et Spike, je te rejoins dans ton attitude.

Bref je suis passée d'une religion publique à une religiosité privée! J'aime bien comment tu dis çà, et je penses que c'est le processus par lequel je suis en train de passer. Une part de moi se rebelle mais c'est ce qui se passe.:-)


sueworld2003 January 22 2011, 11:37:06 UTC
I'm not going anywhere, and even those damn awful comics isn't going to change that. :D


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:59:51 UTC

::kicks the comics::


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