A little poll on our involvement

Jan 22, 2011 11:46

I’ve noticed in the different threads on comics related stuff that sometimes there was some kind of disenchanting vibes about the verse in general
Here’s a poll about the Buffyverse and our ties to it, creatively or /and emotionally speaking.You can pick several choices.

writing and reading- fandom, poll

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elisi January 22 2011, 11:21:39 UTC
A lot of what bogwitch said. I've been thinking about it, and the thing is that I've been moving on for a long time. I submerged myself so thoroughly in Buffy that I've said everything I wanted to say, really, meta-wise. When I re-watch, I love it still, but I don't have any new insights. All of which is perfectly normal when there's no new canon to sink my teeth into. (The comics aren't new canon, they're... anti-canon. They attack my show and if I were to acknowledge them as a continuation I'd have to throw everything else I've written out of the window.)

But I love my friends here, and I love the show, and I even have more fic I need to write. So... I hate what the comics have done to the fandom, but they don't affect my own view.


hesadevil January 22 2011, 11:38:25 UTC
Totally agree apart from the bit about still writing fanfic. I'm not and nothing else has ever inspired me to write.


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:54:43 UTC
I love that the show has been such a beautiful, unique source of inspiration for many of us.


bogwitch January 22 2011, 14:00:39 UTC
For me, no one else wants my writing!


jamalov29 January 22 2011, 13:53:27 UTC
the thing is that I've been moving on for a long time. I submerged myself so thoroughly in Buffy that I've said everything I wanted to say Pretty much on the same wavelength. While I do enjoy fictions, I read less than before ( also because there’s less produced than before) and parts of myself certainly have moved on, even if it’s difficult to admit it. And really I said everything I wanted to say too.

But I love my friends here, and I love the show Yeah! :)

I hate what the comics have done to the fandom, but they don't affect my own view. Exactly.


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