DWP FanFic - Queen's Witch - Chapter 8

Sep 08, 2013 19:19

For notes and disclaimers, see Chapter 1

Chapter 8 - Getting to Know You

“Your majesty,” Andy straightened as Miranda walked towards the stable. Andy was waiting for one of the grooms to bring out her horse. In the three months that Andy had been back, she and the girls went horseback riding at least twice a week. They always invited the Queen but she would beg off due to affairs of state. Each time Andy was a bit disappointed when Miranda did not show.

“Andrea, the girls have some lessons to finish before leaving for their father’s estate. I thought you might accept my company in their stead today.” Miranda was wearing a long sleeve white shirt, tucked into black riding breeches. Her riding boots were polished to a high gloss.

“I’d be honored, Majesty.” Andy was admiring the Queen’s trim form when she finally noticed a servant carrying two sets of large saddlebags and looked back at Miranda.

“Lunch,” Miranda waved dismissively.

Just as Andy was reaching for the saddlebags, a groom led Andy’s sorrel mare out of the stable.

“Your Majesty,” the groom bowed. “I did not realize you would be riding today.”

“Yes, change of plans. Have Taylon readied for me.” Miranda looked forward to going out on her favorite mount. It had been too long since she had indulged her passion for riding.

The groom tossed the mare’s reins to Andy and hurried back inside.

Miranda eyed Andy as she attached a set of bags to the back of her saddle. Andy wasn’t wearing her black robes today. She wore a homespun white shirt and brown deerskin britches. Her brown leather boots were well worn but clean. When Andy relieved the boy of the other two bags, Miranda dismissed him with “That’s all.”

Andy stood back as the groom led the restive Taylon into the stable yard. Miranda took the bridle and started talking softly to the big black stallion. Andy admired the way Miranda controlled the large animal with just a touch and her voice. Within moments, Taylon settled down and allowed Miranda to lead him to the mounting block. Andy cautiously approached and settled the saddlebags on Taylon’s back. “He’s a beauty,” she said as she patted his flank.

“He is that.” Miranda rubbed the horse’s nose as she looked him over. “He needs to run off some of his energy. Do you know where you want to ride?”

“Yes I do.” Andy held Taylon’s bridle as Miranda stepped up on the stone block and swung into the saddle. Andy waited for Miranda to get settled before she went to her own horse. Once mounted, Andy followed Miranda through the grounds and out the south gate. As they rode through the gate, Andy decided she better ride ahead of Miranda. Otherwise, the temptation to spend the entire ride watching Miranda’s butt would be hard to resist.

Miranda paused near the stone pillar and waited for Andy to catch up. Andy smiled briefly, touched her heels to the mare’s flanks, and she was off. Miranda was startled but bent low in the saddle and set Taylon off on their trail. The two women raced down the road until Andy veered off to the left. The change in direction didn’t slow Miranda and Taylon a bit.

Andy continued to race across the open grasslands just barely ahead of Miranda. When they had traveled a fair distance from the castle, Andy started slowing. Miranda flashed past but was able to bring Taylon down to a canter and waited for Andy to catch up.

Andy laughed out loud when she was even with Miranda. “That was great.”

“Yes, I’m sure Taylon appreciated it.” Miranda eyed Andy’s horse critically. “What do you feed that mare? I’ve never seen a horse that could beat Taylon.”

Andy leaned forward and patted her horse’s neck. “Mavis is very competitive and doesn’t like to lose. Besides, if we had gone just a bit further Taylon would have powered by.”

“Ahh. So to make your horse feel better you quit while you were ahead.” Miranda shook her head at the absurdity of it all.

“Exactly,” Andy grinned at the joke. “Now Mavis feels all proud and sassy. And Taylon learned he can’t win every race. Plus he got a nice workout.”

“How wonderful that you considered the horses’ well being,” Miranda drawled. “Where to now?”

“This way.” Andy turned her horse towards a stand of trees.

Miranda relaxed as she rode. “I used to ride with the girls along this path.”

“I know,” Andy glanced at Miranda. “It’s their favorite ride. We come out this way a lot.”

“I haven’t been riding with them in months,” Miranda sighed. “I’ve been too busy.”

Andy nodded sympathetically. “They understand.”

“Do they?” Miranda really hoped so. “They miss out on so much because me.”

“Miranda, you have two wonderful little girls. They realize you’re the Queen and have responsibilities.” Andy felt compelled to reassure Miranda.

Miranda shook her head sadly. “They’re growing up so fast. I want their childhood to be filled with good memories.”

“Hey,” Andy sidestepped her horse close to Miranda. “You have a couple of great kids. Do you know what we talk about most of the time?”

“I have no idea,” Miranda huffed. Miranda was actually a little jealous of her daughters being able to spend so much time with Andy.


Miranda raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Yeah, you,” Andy pointed to the Queen. “They go on and on about the time they spend in court watching you. They tell me about the conversations you have afterwards when you explain all your decisions. The girls love that. They love you and don’t feel like they’ve missed out on anything.” Andy nodded and moved her horse over a few steps. “Come on. We’re almost there and I’m getting hungry.” Andy clicked her tongue and urged Mavis on.

Miranda quickened her horse’s gait to keep up. Soon they came to a clearing with a creek. Close to the creek was an area where logs ringed a darkened circle. Andy slid off her horse and walked over to hold Taylon’s head while Miranda dismounted. “Would you like a fire or not?” Andy asked as she lifted the saddlebags off her horse.

Miranda considered the fire ring and the grassy bank of the creek. “No fire for now. Let’s sit over there,” indicating an area near the water.

The women hobbled the horses and let them graze before setting up their picnic. Andy spread a blanket and Miranda unpacked the food. Conversation was limited as they ate, but it didn’t mean the women weren’t acutely aware of each other. They took turns sneaking looks and quickly looking away before being caught.

Finally, Andy popped the last piece of honey cake into her mouth. “That was excellent. My compliments to your cook.” Andy enjoyed spending time with Miranda. She was fascinated by the woman and felt drawn to her.

“Yes, it was adequate.” Miranda relaxed back against a tree and took a drink from the wineskin.

Andy swallowed hard when she noticed a drop of wine slide down Miranda’s chin and then her neck. Needing a distraction, she flopped back on the blanket and watched the light filter through the leaves. “So, the girls leave tomorrow. How long will they be gone?”

“Two months,” Miranda said softly. “Their father travels extensively but is always home this time of year so that the girls may visit.”

“That’s nice. He’s the Duke of Loubatin, right? Does he live far from here?” Andy tried to remember where the seat of the duchy was located.

“Yes, he is. His estate is near the river and it will take them three days to get there.”

Andy nodded after dredging up memories of Loubatin’s castle. “Nice area. Two months. I’m going to miss them.” Andy turned her head towards Miranda. “I bet it drives you crazy to have them gone that long.”

Miranda leaned her head back against the tree and closed her eyes. “They love their father and it’s good for them to be together. But I hate not having them around.”

Andy took a deep breath and wondered if she was the crazy one. “In that case, I will volunteer to keep you company.”

“Oh really. You believe you can keep me from missing my children.” Miranda worked to keep her expression neutral. She planned all along to escalate her friendship with Andrea once the girls were gone. She reasoned that if things did not work out, her daughters wouldn’t be around to witness her failure.

“Sure. I’ll just follow you around, insistently ask questions, knock over a few things, and run up and down the hallways in my heavy boots. Between the noise and the breakage you’ll think they’re still home.” Andy kept her tone light to lift Miranda’s sprits.

Miranda turned her head and cracked open one eye to glare at Andy.

“Hey, just trying to help.” Andy grinned as she shrugged.

“Hmm.” Miranda restrained the smile that wanted to break out.

“Okay. What if in addition to sharing meals and our evening conversations, I take you riding every few days. I’ll do my best to distract you.” Andy smirked when she thought about watching Miranda’s butt as she rode. Hopefully, I won’t be too distracted myself. Her attraction to the Queen grew a little more each day and Andy wasn’t sure what to do about her feelings. As far as she knew, the Queen didn’t participate in same sex liaisons.

“Acceptable.” Miranda was quite pleased with the progression of events.

Miranda stood and started to gather the picnic leftovers when she noticed Andy staring. “Is there a problem, Andrea?”

“What? Oh no, not really. It’s just . . . you have a couple of leaves and some dirt on the back of your pants.” Andy swallowed and tried to pull her eyes away from the shapely butt.

Miranda reached back but didn’t feel any leaves but she wiped where she thought the dirt might be. “Did I get it?”

“No, umm, not quite.” Miranda watched Andy turn red and continue to stare.

“Well, by all means move at a glacial pace and help me clean up.” Miranda pursed her lips to keep from laughing out loud.

Andy moved closer and tentatively brushed Miranda’s butt. Miranda took advantage of the position to move closer to Andy.

“Majesty,” Andy whispered into Miranda’s hair.

“Don’t you think it’s silly to deny the attraction, Andrea?” Miranda breathed into Andy’s ear.

“Attraction?” Andy felt like she couldn’t catch her breath.

“I find you very attractive Andrea. And I know you feel something for me also.” Miranda ran her hand down Andy’s arm.

“Ha, ah, how ca… can you tell?” Andy stuttered. She did feel something every time she was close to Miranda. Even so, she was hesitant to get involved with another member of the royal family. It was only recently that Andy felt like she was finally over Amelia.

“Your hand is still on my ass,” Miranda whispered.

Andy jumped back and turned red. “Miranda, what are we doing?”

“If you have to ask, I must not be doing it right,” Miranda purred as she sidled closer. “Breathe, Andrea. I promise not to bite unless you ask.”

“Miranda,” Andy backed up another step, “don’t you think you’re moving kind of fast?”

Miranda moved another step closer. “Andrea, you have been here for three months. In that time, I believe we have formed a friendship. I’m interested in something more than friendship. I just need to know if that is something that would interest you also.”

“Well, I ah, I’m ah. Miranda, you have to stop doing that. I can’t think.” Andy felt dizzy and overwhelmed. She was sure her knees were going to give out any minute now.

“This?” Miranda blew gently into Andy’s ear. “Or this?” She followed up with a little lick to Andy’s jaw.

“Yes.” Andy gathered her resolve and took Miranda by the shoulders and pushed her back. “I’m not sure what you’re asking for.”

“Really, Andrea,” Miranda scoffed. “I was so sure you were brighter than that. I’m interested in a physical relationship. Is that so hard to comprehend.”

“No, no. I would be interested.” Andy was surprised but hurried to reassure Miranda. “I didn’t think you were interested. What are you proposing?”

“A personal liaison, no strings attached. Would that be acceptable?” Miranda moved towards the horses not looking at Andy.

“That sounds good, uhh, interesting. Do you mind if I think it over.” Andy joined Miranda by the horses and patted Mavis’ neck.

“If you must. Some of my nobles will be visiting this week to discuss trade issues. You can let me know your decision when they leave.” Miranda removed the hobble from Taylon and walked him over to a stump so that she could mount easily. “We need to be getting back. I would like to spend the rest of the afternoon with my girls.”

“Sure. Wait a sec.” Andy waved a shaky hand and the remnants of the picnic were packed in the saddlebags. “Let’s go.” Andy hoped the ride back would give her composure a chance to recover. Andy removed Mavis’ hobble and threw the saddlebags on her back.

“Andrea, you ride in front. I’ll follow.” Miranda grinned slyly.


Andy was disappointed that her distraction skills weren’t necessary. The nobles arrived the next day within hours of the twins’ departure. Andy only got to see the Queen in the evenings. Sir Nigel of Vuitton, Lady Serena of Chanel and Lady Emily of Westwood joined the Queen and Andy for dinner. During the day the Queen and nobles were closeted in the Queen’s study discussing trade contracts and markets.

While the Queen was busy, Andy spent her days holed up in the castle library or riding the countryside. Andy was torn between pursuing a liaison with the Queen or keeping her distance. Her last liaison with King Benedict had been safe and somewhat boring. Once negotiations with Princess Lorin commenced, Andy terminated her relationship with Ben. She told Ben it wasn’t right to extol the virtues of another woman while in bed with him. Their relationship had been brief and uncomplicated. Andy only pursued brief and uncomplicated. She learned long ago that long term and entangled only brought pain.

On the last night of the nobles’ visit, Miranda hosted a formal state dinner. Musicians played while the diners worked their way through seven courses. Miranda presided at the head of the table with Andy and Serena on her right and Nigel and Emily on her left. Andy enjoyed chatting with Nigel and Serena. Nigel, Serena, and Andy mutually agreed to dispense with their titles. However, Lady Emily would only address Andy as Lady Andrea and only when necessary.

About half way through the dinner, Andy was laughing at something Nigel said when Serena leaned closer and touched her arm. “Andy, I was going to say something earlier but forgot.”

“What was it,” Andy asked.

“I wanted to tell you thank you.” Serena graciously dipped her head.

Confused, Andy cocked her head. “You’re welcome, but what did I do?”

“You introduced the sheep that became the basis for our fine woolen industry.” Serena’s family fortune was built on the backs of those sheep.

“Did she really?” Nigel raised his glass. “Andy, I didn’t realize. You have my thanks also.”

Miranda raised an eyebrow at Andy. “Andrea, I didn’t know this either. When was this?”

Andy wiped her lips with a napkin. “It was a couple hundred years ago. I was traveling up through Macmillan when I did a favor for someone. He was adamant about repaying the debt and I wound up with a flock of sheep. And because I was by myself he also threw in six herding dogs and four guard dogs.” Andy shook her head as she remembered trying to talk the young King out of his generous gift. “The dogs and I drove the sheep to Chanel where I was finally able to talk someone into taking them off my hands.”

Serena picked up the story. “The wool from those sheep is exceptionally soft. My family was able to keep the breed separate and the bloodline pure. The guard dogs were crossed with some of our local dogs and became the Andean Shepherds. The herding dogs were the foundation for our Chanel collies. The sheep did well in our hill country and the dogs allowed us to handle large flocks with only a few people.”

Miranda raised her glass towards Andy. “I must thank you also. The wool from Serena’s sheep is processed and spun by craftspeople working for Emily and then woven on looms overseen by Nigel. My contribution to the industry is transportation to international markets. If you hadn’t performed that favor, none of us would enjoy the same level of financial success.”

“Yes, Lady Andrea, thank you,” Emily grimaced as she raised her glass also.

“You are all welcome. I really wasn’t thinking of the future at that time. I just wanted to be rid of those stinking sheep. Just after we crossed into Chanel it rained. Let me tell you, wet sheep are no fun. I found a family with a small farm and handed them over.” Andy was gratified that the young impoverished nobleman and his family had been able to capitalize on her gift.

The rest of the meal progressed cordially. Andy shared a few more stories from her past and everyone laughed at some of the ridiculous situations she got herself into.


The next morning Andy was in the north tower watching the nobles’ caravan wind its way east when she heard the door open. Queen Miranda joined Andy at the window and watched the dust cloud kicked up by the horses.

After several minutes of silence, Miranda turned towards Andy and leaned against the wall. “Have you thought about my offer?”

“Yes,” Andy continued to stare out the window.

“Well, you know how much I enjoy waiting.” Miranda crossed her arms and watched the witch chew her bottom lip.

Andy sighed and glanced at Miranda before turning her attention to the view. “Miranda, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Do you mind telling me why?” Surprised, Miranda was disappointed. She was sure that she read the witch’s feelings correctly.

Andy was worried that any physical relationship with Miranda would wreck the friendship they had crafted. “I don’t think it would work out. You’re so young.”

“Really, Andrea,” Miranda huffed. “Everyone is young compared to you. I doubt that there are any trees in this kingdom that are older than you.” Miranda considered the differences in their ages to be irrelevant.

“Hey, are you calling me old?” Andy pouted as she crossed her arms.

“You are calling yourself old. Why should age have anything to do with this? We are two people attracted to each other. I’m merely suggesting we act on that attraction.” Miranda was determined not to let Andre off easily. If she believed the witch wasn’t interested, she wouldn’t press the issue.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Andy uncrossed her arms and leaned on the window sill. “I don’t want you to expect more from me than I am able to give.”

“Andrea, I said no strings,” Miranda sighed with relief. Andrea’s concern meant the witch was attracted to her. “My feelings for you will not change. I promise.”

Andy glanced at Miranda and bumped her shoulder. “I guess.”

“You guess? I am overwhelmed with your effusiveness,” she said dryly while containing the joy she felt.

“Fine. Your Majesty, will you do me the honor of doing the nasty?” Andy wiggled her eyebrows and grinned.

“You are ridiculous. I should have known this was a bad idea.” Miranda turned to leave.

Andy reached out and grabbed the Queen’s arm. “Wait, wait.” Still smiling, Andy looked into Miranda’s beautiful blue eyes. “Miranda, may I have lunch with you today?”

“I suppose.” Miranda mentally reviewed her schedule. “I have court this morning. We can lunch afterwards.”

“Excellent.” Andy released the Queen’s hand and bowed.

Chapter 9 - In the Queen's Service

miranda/andy, dwp

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