DWP FanFic - Queen's Witch - Chapter 9

Sep 08, 2013 19:22

For notes and disclaimers, see Chapter 1

Chapter 9 - In the Queen’s Service

Andy hurried down the corridor. The arrangements for lunch took longer than expected and she hoped the Queen hadn’t finished with court yet. Andy wanted the start of their relationship to be perfect. This was a far cry from what she had with Ben. Foreplay then consisted of a shy grin, a shoulder shrug, and a ‘ya wanna’.

Andy slipped through the large doors of the throne room and heard Miranda’s icy voice berating a group of merchants. Another group stood off to the side looking smug until Miranda’s glare included them in her ire. Almost as one the group took exceptional interest in the stone floor.

“I do not understand why it is so hard for someone to do their job. Am I asking so much?” Miranda motioned one of the men at arms. “Find Captain Roy. I want an update on his efforts to find Magistrate Williams. Have Magistrates Christopher and Banks join us to review the suspect decisions.” Miranda waved everyone away and settled back to wait.

Andy approached the throne and knelt at the edge of the dais. “Your Majesty,” Andy bowed her head.

Miranda was disappointed with how the day had gone downhill since her agreement with Andrea this morning. “Lady Andrea, I will not be able to have lunch with you today. It appears that one of my magistrates decided to go into business for himself and take bribes for favorable decisions.”

“I understand Majesty.” Andy rose and maintained a respectful pose. “May I offer a suggestion?”

Miranda regally inclined her head.

“I heard you send for two magistrates to review some decisions. It’s going to take them a little time to do so. We can lunch while they are attending to that task. It will give you an opportunity to relax before having to deal with your rogue magistrate.” Andy hoped the Queen would agree. Otherwise she was going to enjoy a very lonely romantic lunch.

“I suppose I can spare the time,” Miranda sighed. “Very well. Guard, see that Magistrates Christopher and Banks get the transcripts for their review. We will discuss their findings when I return. That’s all.” Miranda took Andy’s arm and the women left the throne room.


Miranda raised an eyebrow as Andy escorted her through the garden. “I thought we were having lunch?”

“We are. I thought we might try a different location.” Andy led Miranda through the gate into Amelia’s garden. In the center of the walled garden a canopy shielded a white cloth draped table set with fine crystal and silver place settings. Roses of many different colors bloomed in the beds circling the dining area. It was a white island in a sea of riotous color. Andy held Miranda’s chair before seating herself. Two servers placed plates in front of the women and poured the wine. At Andy’s silent signal, the men left the women to their meal.

“I hope you like it.” Andy nervously grabbed her wine glass and took a healthy swig. “I, umm, asked your chef to prepare your favorites.” She had been extremely lucky when the Royal Gamekeeper had showed up with a brace of pheasants while she was discussing the menu this morning.

Miranda delicately placed her napkin in her lap. “It looks delicious. Thank you for this,” she waved vaguely before picking up her utensils and starting to eat. Miranda hummed in appreciation with the first bite of roast pheasant.

Andy smiled and started to relax. As she ate, she stole glances at Miranda trying to gauge the Queen’s mood. Luckily, she appeared pleased with the garden lunch. Andy was out of practice with romantic gestures but wanted to make the effort for Miranda. She wanted Miranda to feel special and desired. From her observations of the woman, she thought Miranda spent more time on her country and her girls than she did herself. This garden was new since her last visit, so there would be no competing memories to distract her from Miranda.

Miranda, in turn, was charmed by Andrea’s shy smiles and the obvious effort she had made. In fact she was quite impressed that Andrea turned out to be so thoughtful.

As she sipped her wine, Miranda studied her companion. She was curious about what had happened in the throne room. “Andrea, why did you kneel to me?” Miranda had not expected the show of respect. Andrea was a powerful witch and was in no way subservient or obsequious. She did not owe fealty to the Eliasian crown.

“Because you’re the Queen, of course.” Andy said softly as she laid her napkin on the table.

“I realize that. But you are not one of my subjects and you do not owe allegiance to the Eliasian crown.” Miranda was aware that many of the courtiers were surprised by Andrea’s actions.

“Miranda, as Queen you are the embodiment of Eliasa. You have the ultimate responsibility for this country and her people. I want others to know that I respect you and your crown. Besides I’ve been in Eliasa off and on for so many years, I feel like a citizen,” Andy added shyly.

“Thank you.” Miranda frowned as she stared at her empty plate and wine glass. “I suppose I should go back to the circus.”

Andy reached across the table and took Miranda’s hand. “May I help in anyway?”

Miranda shook her head and gave a pained smile. “No, not unless you can make my runaway magistrate appear. It sets a very bad example when criminals escape justice. On top of that, the toad made a mockery of our judicial system. I very much want to clear that blemish.”

“Alright then.” Andy stood and offered Miranda her hand. “I’ll escort you back and go toad hunting.”

“It isn’t necessary. The Royal Guard is searching the countryside,” Miranda assured. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to fix all of my problems.”

“Miranda,” Andy patted the hand on her arm, “I’m here to help. Please, let me do this for you.” Andy had a couple of ideas for tracking the missing man. One would take a little more effort than the other. She would talk to Roy first before deciding which method to use.

Mollified, Miranda nodded and enjoyed Andy’s company on the way back to the throne room. She welcomed Andrea’s offer to help. Hopefully, Andrea wouldn’t be gone too long on the errand.


Miranda was ready to rip someone’s head from their shoulders. It had been hours since lunch and there had been little progress. Magistrates Christopher and Banks determined that not only had ex-Magistrate Williams sold judicial decisions, he extorted money from plaintiffs. Victims were still coming forward. Miranda was beyond aggravated that no one reported Williams’ crimes before today. Everyone she questioned told her the Magistrate threatened imprisonment or worse, if they complained.

Miranda would do more than threaten imprisonment if anyone produced the thieving bastard. Captain Roy’s initial report indicated that Williams had at least a two day lead on the search parties. Miranda wanted an update on the hunt and looked around for the Captain of her guard. “Where is Captain Roy?” Miranda glared at a guard. When all she got was a frightened shrug, she growled, “Find him.” The young man ran from the room.

Miranda rubbed her forehead, angry that one man had subverted the entire judicial system. Significant work would be required to assure that this could never happen again. It meant she would be tied up with the mess and would have less time to devote to Andrea.

Sighing, Miranda turned to Magistrate Banks to hear his latest findings. Just as the man started listing a new set of grievances, Miranda felt something. It was similar to the air changing before a storm. Holding up her hand to interrupt the report, she tried to determine the source of the shift and noticed a pair of smiling brown eyes peeking around the throne room door. Miranda relaxed as the witch followed Captain Roy and a pair of guards escorting a prisoner.

Captain Roy bowed to his Queen and gestured to the shackled man. “Your Majesty, would you like to interrogate the prisoner now or would you prefer we hold him in the dungeon?”

“The dungeon for now, Captain.” Miranda acknowledged his bow and waited for Andrea to approach. “Lady Andrea. I take it you found our wayward Magistrate?”

Andy moved forward slowly and bowed deeply. “Yes, Majesty. He was hiding in the foothills of the Dolce Mountains. He hadn’t gone very far.”

“Did you have any trouble?” Miranda watched Andrea closely. She didn’t appear to be injured but Andrea was moving deliberately and her shoulders were slumped.

“No, no trouble really.” Andy wasn’t lying. The runaway had been fairly easy to locate. However, the expenditure of magic had been substantial. Now all Andy wanted to do was eat and get some sleep. So much for her plans with Miranda.

“Hmm,” Miranda considered pushing the issue but decided to let the witch off the hook for now. She would make sure to get the whole story later this evening. “If you will give me a few minutes, we can dine shortly.” Andy bowed and moved off to the side. Gesturing to one of her aides, Miranda gave instructions for matters to be wrapped up for the evening. She then summoned Douglas and sent him off to take care of some tasks. All the while she kept her eye on Andrea.

For her part, Andy was doing her best not to fall asleep standing up. She had just decided to beg off having dinner with the Queen, when Miranda appeared and took her arm leading her out of the throne room.

“Come along, Andrea. Don’t dawdle.” Miranda gently tugged on Andy’s arm.

Andy stopped and shook her head. “Miranda, I’m not going to be very good company this evening. Why don’t I just grab something from the kitchens and head off to bed.”

“I have a better idea. You will accompany me to my chambers where you can freshen up before a light dinner is served. Afterwards you can relax and tell me how you solved one of my problems.” Miranda was not going to let Andy go off on her own.

Seeing the resolve in Miranda’s eyes, Andy acquiesced and accompanied the Queen. She wasn’t sure but she thought she may have dozed during the walk to Miranda’s apartments. She was surprised when Miranda ushered her into her private sitting room.

Miranda left her standing, well swaying slightly, as she checked on the progress of the bath. Miranda was pleased when she poked her head inside the adjoining bathing chamber and saw the gently steaming tub was ready. When she glanced back and saw the decided tilt in Andy’s posture she hurried over to steady the witch.

Putting her arm around Andy’s shoulders, Miranda guided her into the bathing room. Several lamps provided light to the room comfortably warmed by a corner wood stove. A big metal tub sat in the middle of the room. A table with towels, washcloths, and soap sat nearby. Hooks on the wall held a couple of robes. Andy noticed another door and knew it led to the hallway and allowed the servants to carry in water buckets without traipsing through the Queen’s sitting room.

While Andy was looking around, Miranda had her robe off was untying the laces of her shirt.

“Hey, I can do that.” Andy protested as she brushed Miranda’s hands away.

Miranda raised her brows in mock surprise. “Really, Andrea, are you shy?”

“No,” Andy blushed and ducked her head as she clutched the shirt laces. “But, we haven’t even . . . you know. And I’m dirty and smell like Mavis.”

“Fine, I’ll check on dinner while you get in the tub.” Miranda turned to leave after gesturing towards the corner. “Leave your clothes and someone will take them to be cleaned when the tub is emptied.”

As soon as she heard the door latch, Andy stripped and kicked her dirty clothes and boots into a pile. She stepped into the tub and slowly lowered herself into the hot water. The tub was large enough for two people and the water level was over her breasts. Andy closed her eyes and slide under the water to wet her hair. When she came up for air she saw Miranda standing over her. Startled, Andy lost her grip on the side of tub and slipped under.

“Andrea!” Miranda grabbed the sputtering woman’s arm and pulled up.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Andy coughed and pushed hair out of her eyes. As soon as she caught her breath, Andy glared at Miranda. “You scared the crap out of me. What were you doing?”

“When I left, you were practically asleep on your feet. I was making sure you hadn’t drowned.” Miranda tried very hard to stifle a smile. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Embarrassed, Andy drew up her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I did knock.” Miranda pulled a stool over to the side of the tub and sat down. Although sitting a little higher than Andy at least she wasn’t towering over the witch. “You must have been under water and didn’t hear.” Miranda picked up a cloth and piece of soap. “Wash your back?”

“You don’t have to,” Andy mumbled.

Pleased that Andy didn’t turn her down completely, Miranda dunked the washcloth in the bath water. “I’m the Queen, I don’t have to do anything. However, I would like to wash your back if you are agreeable.”

Andy smiled shyly. “Thank you, I would like that.”

Miranda’s gentle attention lulled Andy into a drowsy relaxation. Andy closed her eyes and rested her forehead on her knees while Miranda took care of her.

“Andrea,” Miranda whispered, “I need to wash your front.”

“Hmm.” Andy heard words but wasn’t registering any meaning.

“I also need to wash your hair.” Miranda was glad Andy was relaxed, but she knew they needed to move the process along.

“Hmm.” Warm and comfortable Andy drifted in the gray fog that comes before sleep.

“Andrea?” Miranda leaned and sucked on Andy’s ear lobe.

Andy jerked up and grabbed the side of the tub. “Woman, you are trying to kill me!”

“At least you didn’t go under this time.” Miranda rubbed more soap on the wash cloth and ran it over Andy’s arms.

Andy blushed when Miranda ran the cloth over her breasts and stomach. “This is really nice. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Miranda finally finished with the washcloth and quickly washed Andy’s hair. After Andy was out of the tub Miranda wrapped her in a large towel. “Once you’re dry you can put on one of those dressing gowns. I’ll see if our supper has arrived.”

Bemused, Andy watched Miranda leave. “I am so out of my league,” she whispered. She pulled on a robe and recited a short spell to dry and arrange her hair. When she re-entered the sitting room Miranda was waiting for her at a small candle lit table near the window. She held out her hand for Andy to join her.

Andy smiled as she padded towards Miranda. The oil lamps around the room had been extinguished and only strategically placed candles provided illumination. At some point while Andy had been drying off and fixing her hair Miranda had changed into a blue silk dressing gown.

Miranda met Andy half way and guided her towards the table. “Please have a seat, Andrea.” Miranda pulled out a chair for Andy.

“Thank you.” Andy slipped into the seat.

Once they were comfortable, Miranda passed plates of small finger sandwiches, cut up vegetables and slices of fruit. She lifted a wine glass to toast Andy. “Thank you for your help today.”

“You are more than welcome, Miranda.” Andy blushed as she sipped her wine. The women traded glances as they ate the light meal.

Miranda could see that the bath and meal were giving Andy her second wind. Although tired, she no longer looked totally wiped out. “May I ask how you were able to find Williams?”

Andy nodded as she finished chewing. “Roy took me to Williams’ home. Once I was able to handle some of his personal things, I was could track his location.”

“Sounds like something one of my hunting dogs would do.” Miranda was intrigued by this magical talent.

“Exactly. I was able to pick up his scent and figure out where he was hiding.” It had actually been fairly easy to determine the direction and distance of Williams’ hiding place.

“Then you led the guards to Williams?” Miranda guessed as she watched Andy sip her drink.

“No, Williams was moving along the foothills of the Dolce Mountains. I was afraid he might get away if we just pursued him on horseback. So I transported Mavis and myself close to his location and held him until one of the search parties caught up to us.”

“Transported?” Fascinated Miranda set down her glass and stared at Andy.

“Yes, that’s why I’m so tired,” Andy explained. “It takes a lot of energy. The further you travel and the more you carry, the greater the expenditure.”

“Astonishing.” Just as Miranda’s awe of Andrea’s talent started to bloom, the rest of what the witch said dawned on her. “You transported your horse?”

“Of course, I wasn’t planning on walking back after I caught up with your fugitive.” Andy grinned as she reached for her wine glass. “It’s a talent I rarely use and seldom discuss.”

Miranda shook her head in wonder as she stared at Andy. “Something else the rest of the world doesn’t know about magic I suppose.”

“Yeah. There are a lot of myths, half-truths, and outright lies concerning magic. And I’m responsible for most of them.” Andy wasn’t above lying or using trickery to ensure her survival or that of other magic users.

“The tying of hands as an example?” Miranda smirked as she reached over to move a lock of hair behind Andy’s ear.

Andy grinned and nodded. “I started that one when a warlock and I were surprised by a group of bandits. He was wearing his robes, but I wasn’t. When they threatened him I piped up that they could bind his magic by tying his hands. While they were busy with him, I was able to disarm them. They were quiet unhappy when they found out I was a witch. We continued the ruse as I untied Malcolm. We rode off leaving those guys tied up.”

“Who was this Malcolm?” Miranda quirked an eyebrow and scowled.

“Down girl,” Andy teased. “He was from the east and we met a very long time ago. We traveled together for a while and he taught me everything he could about magic.”

“Was he someone special?” Miranda mentally berated herself for this flash of jealousy.

“Only as a teacher. He was part Elf and I pretty much hated him on sight.” Andy remembered the first time she saw Malcolm and how badly she wanted to kick him in the teeth. Luckily for Malcolm, she was able to restrain herself.

“Really? Why?” Miranda had met a few elves in the past. They were usually amenable in a slightly self important way. Elves believed they were superior to all other races and they weren’t shy about expressing that opinion.

“I never did figure that out,” Andy mused. “For some reason, when we first met he just rubbed me the wrong way. I mostly got over it and after a while we became friends. He eventually went back to his homeland. I never heard from him again.”

“So getting back to your story, you popped in on Williams and subdued him.” Miranda didn’t want to hear anymore about the good friend Malcolm.

“Yep. I hung him up in the air while I sent bursts of colored lights into the sky. One of the search parties came to investigate. They took Williams into custody and we headed home.”

“Thank you. We’ll be able to take precautions to see that something like this doesn’t happen again.” With Williams in custody, the situation wouldn’t drag on and the judicial system could be restructured.

“You’re welcome. The only downside is that I’m too tired to follow through on what I planned for this evening.” Considering what her plans had been for this evening, Williams was lucky she only hung him in the air for the trouble he caused.

“Hmm. How about we just go to bed and sleep. We will re-visit your plans tomorrow.” Miranda finished her drink and pushed away her plate.

Andy was relieved that Miranda wasn’t too disappointed. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

“Come along. I think we’re finished here. I’ll get you a sleep shift and you can change while I ring for someone to clean up.” Miranda stood and reached for Andy’s hand.

Miranda walked Andy into her bedroom and pulled a shift from a chest before returning to the sitting room. Andy draped her robe over a chair and pulled on the shift before sliding beneath the covers of the large canopied bed. Miranda returned shortly and soon joined her. Andy wasn’t surprised when Miranda spooned in behind her and draped an arm around her middle.

“Is this okay?” Miranda whispered.

“Perfect,” Andy sighed. “Night, Miranda.”

“Good night, Andrea.” Miranda gently kissed the shoulder in front of her.


The next morning Andy woke up to soft kisses on her neck and shoulders. Andy carefully turned on her side to face the Queen. “Good morning, Miranda.”

“Yes it is.” Miranda said before she placed a kiss on Andy’s nose. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“I feel great.” Andy rolled on top of Miranda careful to keep most of her weight on her arms. “How about you?”

“Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.” Miranda wrapped her arms around the witch. “Is this where you re-visit your plans from last night?”

“Oh yeah. I’ve got a lot of time to make up. But first.” Andy paused and the Queen’s and her shift disappeared. “Much better.”

“Indeed,” Miranda sighed in agreement.

Chapter 10 - No Strings Attached

miranda/andy, dwp

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