you only

Jan 25, 2004 13:13

Still not so much getting the "let" part of ficlet, and can you believe it? This time there's a WARNING. If you're the type of person who likes warnings, it's posted in the first comment, and if you don't like them, don't read that comment.

For my fabulous wearemany, whose career I continue to follow with interest. I can't choose between the album and the ( Read more... )

pop fic, pop, ficlets

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Comments 21

WARNING jae_w January 25 2004, 11:23:06 UTC
Warning: There is a character death in section iv, the skeleton frames (yes, my "ficlet" has sections, my first instinct in writing is always to run off at the mouth). This death is not referenced in any of the other sections.


bossymarmalade January 25 2004, 11:45:16 UTC
I think I'm probably too choked with tears to say anything coherent or meaningful, but really, Jae. Really. That was so fucking heartbreaking and poignant but not in a frivolous forced way at all, more like the overwhelming regret and loss, the day-to-day melancholy and like Justin says, the way every song is a sad one. And, jesus. It just turned me inside-out and it's a little scary how much I relate to your Chris and therefore adore your Justin, and now I'm sounding psycho but, y'know, reading is all about the empathy and I have stopped making sense so I'll shut up. But you made me cry. I just want you to know that, dammit.


jae_w January 26 2004, 11:56:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I love making you cry. (Um, I mean that in a good way). But thank you, really.


northernveil January 25 2004, 11:46:02 UTC

Horrible, and with the disappointment and the fruitless wanting and the painpainpain of almost getting what you can't help but hope for.

Almost strung together, but the seams where the pieces fit together are blurry, hiding the actual raggedness, and maybe they don't fit together at *all*, except you make them. Because it's all you can do.



jae_w January 26 2004, 11:58:33 UTC
Thank you so much. What you said is so beautiful - I'm so grateful.


clarinetkate January 25 2004, 11:46:21 UTC
I'm not sure I get it, entirely, but what I do get, I love because it's so beautiful. And damn, girl, your ficlet is longer than most of my FIC! hahah


jae_w January 26 2004, 12:00:19 UTC
Thank you. And it's ragged, and you probably don't quite get it because it doesn't exactly hang together yet, unless maybe you've been having the conversation shana and I have been having off and on for ages, but, you know, the point of this whole thing wasn't so much to have things be perfect in this go-round. Although some time if I decide to turn this into a true finished story, I might hit you up about where i lost you.

And now, my reply is longer than your FEEDBACK, too!


halimede January 26 2004, 13:32:45 UTC
I may well be the only one who didn't feel terribly lost (had to read a couple paragraphs twice, and re-frame how I read it to align with incoming information, but not *lost* lost) *and* whose smile is mostly happy. But it is. They connected. Never perfectly. But they did. They touched each other. It mattered.

I love the last section a lot.


jae_w January 27 2004, 08:05:31 UTC
Thank you! And it's interesting to hear that it hung together a little more cohesively for you. I'm so glad you liked it.


cathexys January 25 2004, 15:21:21 UTC
it's beautiful and gorgeous and amazing and painful and...i'm not sure i get all of it...maybe i need a DVD commentary for this one :-) [but i'll reread until i at least have an idea...and i think the first is my favorite section, b/c it seems so easy that they couldn't have made it and i love imagining where they'd be now]

thanks so much for constantly challenging yourself and us :-)


jae_w January 27 2004, 08:07:13 UTC
Thank you! I was saying above, I think you might not get it all because I haven't quite *written* it all - I've been using these as basically a free writing exercise: it has to be done in one (relatively short) sitting and I don't really edit, just spellcheck and clean up typos, etc. So I was kind of aware that this didn't hang together too clearly. I may go back and bang it into shape later, though. But I'm so glad that you liked it.


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