Title: Add Two Chef Whites...
Characters: JJ (OC), James (OC)
Summary: JJ and James have a private chat. James confronts JJ about something he is hiding.
Rating: PG13
A/N: Takes place between
Take Three Chefs, Stir In The Doctor... and
Simmering Answers.
"What did he say to you?" JJ questioned James as he watched James change his clothes a few minutes later. He knew that he was the subject of the Doctor and James' quick conversation but he wanted the other man to admit it. The perils of being an ex-policeman, he thought. He marvelled at the scars that were all over the red head's body and also wondered how the other man got them. He knew he was staring but he couldn't help it.
"He told me the meaning of your surname."
"It means 'Shield Wolf'," James answered, as he pulled his green and white checked trousers on.
"The Doctor thinks it means something... I, on the other hand, know it does," James blurted out, "but I'm not going to tell him that."
"I don't know what you mean," JJ said nervously.
"I think you do. "
"I'm just going to say it straight out because I don't have the patience for messing about. You're a werewolf, aren't you?"
JJ froze. "What? Werewolves don't exist..."
"Nice try," James muttered. "I saw you wince when the Doctor and I yelled at Jack."
"So? I've got sensitive hearing."
"Yeah, right."
"So why didn't you say anything in the kitchen? I mean, if I'm supposed to be this big bad wolf or whatever?"
"I got the feeling you didn't want anyone to know and I was more concerned about getting poked with a boning knife at that time. Besides, the title of Bad Wolf goes to a girl named Rose Tyler."
"So how do you know?"
James grinned and removed the key that was on a chain from around his neck. JJ bit down a growl. "That's how I know."
"How did you do that? I mean, block it like that."
"Perception filter. It's not perfect but it blocks out most of it. If you stood right next to me, body pressed against mine, then you would know but otherwise..," James explained, moving to put the chain back on.
"No, leave it off," JJ ordered, moving to sniff James' neck. "It's not often that I've found someone who understands."
"What about Harry? She's your girlfriend."
"She wouldn't understand... I mean, a boyfriend who turns into a wolf every full moon?"
"You have to tell her."
"I can't. I'm... embarrassed."
"Why? Wolves are noble creatures. Be proud of it. I'm not saying you should shout it from the rooftops or anything but the wolf is part of you now. Embrace it," James said, putting the chain back on and pulling on the white double brested jacket.
"Easy for you to say. You have three people that are willing to do anything for you."
"Like Danny and Harry for you... So tell them," James ordered, buttoning up the jacket.
"What if they reject me?"
"Then they aren't true friends," James answered, sitting down on the bench and pulling on his safety shoes. "I have a feeling they won't though."
"How could you know?"
"I just have a feeling."
"Hmm. You know, you know my full name but I only know your first name."
"I gotta know, were you born with that surname or did you chose it?"
"Born with it, why?"
"Then it's very ironic," James commented, standing up and reached for the carrier bag, pulling out a green neckerchief, which he placed around his neck and tied it, securing it. He moved to the mirror on the wall to make sure he had tied it straight.
"What's your surname?"
"Well, I have two. My real one which I never use now and one I chose for myself... Which, ironically, was chosen before I got bitten."
"What's the one you chose for yourself then?" JJ questioned, curious as to why James had changed his surname.
"Bardulf," James answered, smoothing down his chef's jacket.
"And I'm guessing it means 'something wolf' since you said about it being chosen before you were bitten. What's your middle name?"
"Yep. And it's very embarrassing."
"What is it?"
"I'm not telling you."
"I don't believe this. I'm thirty five and a werewolf."
"You're younger than I am." At JJ's questioning look, James sighed. "I'm older than I look."
"How long have you been a werewolf then?"
"Too long. How about you?"
"Few months. Well, I will say one thing, at least we aren't dressed too identical," JJ stated, quickly changing the subject. At James' puzzled frown, he elaborated. "The others were going on about how they were going to tell the difference between us when we're both fully dressed in our chef whites..."
"But as I have green checked trousers and yours are red, it should be easy."
"Definitely. Unless, you're colourblind."
"Mm, red is not my colour."
"No, it would clash with your hair. Is that your natural colour?"
"Yes, is that yours?"
"So, we are strawberry, vanilla and, knowing Jack, he was probably going to say either chocolate or caramel." James grinned. "But, I think the Doctor is more like banoffee."
"He definitely is bananas."
James snickered. "He'd deny it, of course, but he totally is."
"He's not human, is he?"
"Who? The Doctor?"
"Thought so. Does he taste of bananas?"
"I can smell things, you know."
"Now, this is embarrassing."
"Does he?"
"Do you taste of vanilla?"
"Do you taste of strawberries?"
"Well, you'll have to find out for yourself."
"Is that an offer?" JJ asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Maybe..," James answered with a sly smile. "But first, we better get cracking and do some work."