Fic: Carry On Up The TARDIS (PG) Chapter 1

Jan 30, 2009 22:12

I'm hoping that the repost will give the bunny back for all my uncompleted fics. This was originally posted on 24/04/06 (and the song playing has never been more fitting LOL)

Title: Carry On Up The TARDIS
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
For: My mum, who prompted "Ten/Rose, something like 'Carry on Matron' or 'St. Trinians'. This is all her fault!!
Author Notes: Hehe, this started off as a drabble but it ended up running on a bit.
Warning: Ten in a skirt. 'nuff said!
Summary: The Doctor and Rose go undercover at a school.
Spoilers: New Earth and possibly up to Army of Ghosts

Now on with the story...

“Rose! I refuse to wear this,” the Doctor huffed as Rose put the last touches to his outfit. He sat down and pouted, his lower lip sticking out, causing him to look like a scolded schoolboy who had been caught raiding the cookie jar.

He looked around the wardrobe, that they were standing in. They had come to the school to investigate strange goings on by the request of the headmistress. The headmistress had taken one look at the Doctor and Rose and ordered them both to change their outfits and shooed them back to the TARDIS.

Rose bit back a laugh. “Don’t worry, Doctor, I’ll be there to hold your hand and make sure you don’t mess up.” She smoothed down her outfit which was a blue skirt and a pale blue blouse.

“Why do I have to wear this anyway?” the Doctor griped, still pouting. “Why can’t I wear what I usually do?”

“Well, you see, Doctor,” Rose said, with a snicker, “Saint Clare’s is a girls school and as you are male… Don’t you think you’ll stick out a bit? We have to be incognito, just like Sydney from Alias…”

“Ah, good point, but why do I have to wear this?” the Doctor asked, indicating his outfit, which was a brown pinstriped suit with a skirt, which reached his knees.

“Well, it’s close to what you normally wear, so it’s not much of a shock,” Rose answered with a snicker as she painted the Doctor’s lips with a pale pink lipstick.

“I suppose I should be glad you didn’t decide to wax my legs or something,” he commented running a hand through his brown hair, messing it up even more. He was silenced when Rose plonked a long brown wig on his head and adjusted it so it was straight.

“That’s coming next,” Rose answered with an evil glint in her eye causing the Doctor to gulp. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit.”

“That’s what they all say, just before they rip it off and causes extreme mental trauma,” the Doctor muttered, as Rose smoothed the wax strips on his legs, before tearing them off in one quick stroke, eliciting a yelp of pain from the Doctor.

“Baby,” Rose said, sticking her tongue out at him, as she continued waxing his legs. She soon finished and cleaned the excess wax off. “All done. God, Doctor, you are such a big baby.”

“Am not,” the Doctor retorted. “I’m scarred for life now.”

“Come on, Doctor, let’s go and meet the girls, shall we?”

“But I… I don’t know how to act,” the Doctor protested, as he put on his socks and normal shoes.

Rose bit back a laugh. “Doctor, why don’t you just tap into your inner Cassandra?”


Chapter 2 can be found here .
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